Chapter 117

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“…Yes, Y-Yes?”

“It was immediately after the explanation ended—just 4 seconds later—when Kang Ichae spilled the beans.”

That figures. I knew Kang Ichae would do something like this…


[…Is there even a point in counting 4 seconds?]

Exactly my thoughts.

If it took only 4 seconds, it meant he betrayed a member right after hearing the instructions. Oh, no, maybe he took a whole 4 seconds because he was pondering over what TMI to share?

“This, this guy…!!”

Our innocent puppy, Jeong Dajun, either out of shock or just wanting to overact, plopped down on his knees. I clicked my tongue and pulled out an envelope of money.

“Hey, get up. You’ll get your knees dirty.”

“Is this really okay, Ichae-hyung?! How can someone do this??”

“I’ll recite the information as it was given to us: Jeong Dajun sometimes wears anything he can find in Hoyun-hyung’s wardrobe.”

I paused in the act of taking out the money and asked,

“Is that even TMI? I already knew that.”

“There’s more.”

The staff said briefly.

“‘Last week, he wore stolen underwear.'”



That’s some TMI worth thinking about for 4 seconds, Kang Ichae…

I handed over the money without protest and looked at Jeong Dajun, who immediately made a sad face.

“I did laundry late, okay! Hyung, that was brand new, still in its packaging, right?? I’ll wash it and give it back!”

“Don’t you ever return it. Consider it a gift. Please keep wearing it, our maknae.”

“Eh? It’s clean, though??”

After brushing off the guy who clung to the fact that clothing and underwear both touch the skin anyway (they’re totally different, fuck), I looked at the staff.

“Let’s play another game. You must have prepared the money anyway.”

“Of course.”

Lee Jihyeon must have predicted it would come to this from the start. The members, with a friendship that’s broad yet shallow, specialized in tripping each other up. The staff must have been ready for more games.

Especially if they assumed Kang Ichae and I would be on separate teams.

I smiled.

Prisoner’s Dilemma, my ass.

“Let’s play the TMI revelation game.”

Let’s see how this goes, shall we?




Who cared about keeping members’ secrets? It had turned into an all-out revelation war.

Reveal something, earn 3,000 won; get revealed, lose 5,000 won.

“Back in the day, Ichae-hyung broke his arm while sledding on a rice sack with me during winter!”

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