Chapter 26

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I walked out of my room an hour later with my keys in my hand and phone pressed to my ear while I listened to a rant from the king. I didn't interrupt him nor made any excuse to explain why I did what I did because I knew that he wasn't going to listen.

He didn't listen to me the first time I told him why I did what I did, and I was sure that he wasn't going to listen to it a second time.

"All I am saying is tha-"

"All you are saying is that you are worried about me and how I shouldn't have "forced" myself into a fight in which I could be seriously injured or dead," I said, interrupting him after I heard that line for the fifth time in the span of thirty minutes. "Do you even know what a Rogue Hunter does, Your Majesty?" I asked, and the king growled.

"Do not interrupt me, Miss Rice," the king warned, and I held back an eye roll and scowled. "You had n-"

"You were going to go over the tangent that you had given me a second time, Your Majesty. As stated before the call via text message, I still have stuff that I need to do and wanted to keep this call short. You, however, decided to go on and on about my choices and how they were bad for my health."

"And they were," the king said. "You could have gotten killed because of your actions."

I bit back an annoyed sigh and cleared my throat. "Again, I am a Rogue Hunter. Anything that I do can kill me. I was not seriously injured as I have been in the past. More importantly, I am still standing and have not been sent to the hospital."

The king stayed silent for a second before he sighed, and I had a feeling that he shook his head. "Did you break any bones?" he asked.

"Mine or his?" I asked and raised an eyebrow. "You have to be more specific with that question, Your Majesty."

The king sighed again, and I had a feeling he rubbed the bridge of his nose while he shook his head again. "Yours," he replied, and I bit back a small smirk. "Were any of your bones broken?"

"Thankfully, not," I replied, and I rolled my eyes when he sighed with relief and bit back a snort while I scowled. "Unfortunately, none of his bones are broken either."

"Only bruises?" he asked, and I had a feeling he raised an eyebrow.

"And a few small scrapes, Your Majesty," I replied. "However, this occurs with me too."

"Hmph," the king said, and I knew that he pursed his lips in annoyance. "What is your plan today?" he asked, changing the subject, and I had a feeling that he raised an eyebrow in question.

"Get my horse and then see what to do about the girl," I replied. I walked into the dining room and saw that the little girl was awake and sitting at the dining room table, staring at me with wide eyes and my dog laying at her feet. "The girl's awake," I said.

"How is she?" the king asked, and I pressed my lips into a thin line and took a deep breath while I tried to control my annoyance and not get snippy with him.

"I have not asked, Your Majesty," I said while Hunter came over to me with a cup of coffee to get awake, staying silent. "I had just gotten into the dining room, and I am still on the phone with you. How can I possibly ask her if she is ok when I am on the phone with you?"

There was a muffled laughter on the other end of the line while the king sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose.

There was the sound of a door closing on the other end, and I bit back a smirk while the king grumbled something under his breath that I couldn't quite catch.

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