Chapter 3

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"So, what was that about?" Clint asked. "I saw that nervous look go through your eyes." He leaned forward to get a better look at me and raised an eyebrow. Quickly, he jerked back when Kyler growled and snapped at him, glaring at my dog. "Damn dog," he growled out, making Kyler get up and almost attack him.

I growled at Kyler and watched as he whined and sat back in his seat, unimpressed by his behavior. "I don't know what you are talking about," I replied coldly, pulling into my "designated" spot. I flicked my eyes this way and that, sensing this tension in the air that I hadn't felt before today. I knew that it was because I was there, and I did not know why they started to become wary of me all of a sudden. "What are you not telling me?" I asked, directing the subject away from me.

The twenty-nine-year-old flicked his eyes away from my intense stare and licked his lips. The normally joking male was nervous, and I was sure that it was because of whatever had happened while I was away. "We'll discuss it later in my office," he replied, giving me a look that warned me to be silent. "Alpha Mercer and Alpha Brickson will be in the meeting with our Betas and that Hunter of yours." He shifted in his seat, and I could tell that he wanted to tell me now but knew that he couldn't.

My hands clenched the steering wheel tighter, my whole body screaming to run away from this place. I didn't want to see him, and I knew that he thought that I was dead. "One thing you should do is not trust Mercer," I said, opening the door of my truck. I looked back at Clint, and I could see that he looked at me with a curious look in his eyes. "It could be your head if you do." I jumped out of the truck and waited for my dog to come out before slamming the door shut behind him.

I hoped that Clint would take my advice for whatever was happening because I knew that Mercer would wrong him and not care about the consequences. I knew that because he had wronged my mother and me and not cared about my mother's death, his mate.


I guided my horse out of the now opened trailer and started to make my way towards his stall. My whole body was tense, and I could feel the tension rise in the air as my scent carried through the stables. My ears pricked at the sound of harsh whispering, and I could tell that most wanted me dead but wouldn't do it themselves.

Aimu, feeling my tensed state, half reared and pulled at his lead rope. He let out a trumpet neigh, trying to show his rank and warning anyone to try and take it away from him. Again, he whinnied and thrashed his neck, trying to break free from my grasp.

"Ho," I warned, pulling at the lead rope to bring him back down. I watched as he snorted and shook his head but stood still. I pulled a bit at the lead and started to walk to his stall, admiring the way he ducked his head and danced on his feet.

The muscles moved underneath his thick hind while he danced, showing the power that this stallion had. The scars on his back showed that he was a survivor, just like Kyler and I. He was dangerous and deadly, which was why most people respected him from afar.

"He is still scary as ever," Clint said as he followed me to the designated stall that belonged to my stallion. He glanced warily at my horse, and I couldn't help but be amused that he was scared of him. "Have you ever considered neutering them?" he asked, backing away as Kyler growled and snapped at him.

"I have been thinking about neutering you," I replied curtly. I placed my stallion in his stall and took off his halter. I patted his dish-shaped head before letting myself out of the stall and looked at the Alpha with a sympathetic look. "But I can't."

Clint winced, teasingly as if I had hurt him. He placed his hand over his heart, and again, I wondered how he became Alpha. He was one of the most carefree Alphas I had ever come across, and he didn't like confrontation when he could avoid it. "You are too harsh on me, Kel," he teased. "I just might die."

"Don't," I warned. "Henson will run your pack into the ground." I scowled when his Beta "swaggered" over to me and placed his arm around my shoulders. My whole body became more tensed because I did not like to be touched, especially by this male.

"Talking about me, Babe?" he asked seductively. "Do you want round two? I can always suffice you."

I grimaced and took his arm off of my shoulder. I had never had sex with him, and I would never have sex with anyone but my mate. "Paws to yourself," I warned, narrowing my eyes at him. "If Clint lets me, I will break that hand into little pieces and watch you squirm as it heals."

Henson puffed out his chest and smiled coyly. "I'd like to see you try," he said. He was challenging my Wolf and me, and all I wanted to do was claw at his face to let him know that he shouldn't mess with me. "If you can't do it, I would like a kiss." He puckered his lips and moved towards me, closing his eyes in the process.

I sidestepped him and caught a scent that made my Wolf purr. My whole body tensed, and I looked to the entrance of the barn and saw the person that I had been hoping and dreading for my whole entire life with the male that had made me the way that I was.

His cool brown eyes stared into my gray eyes. His brown hair was swept out of his face. His muscles showed underneath his tight, black shirt and moved as he strode over to us. There was a permanent scowl on his face, and I could have sworn that it matched mine.

"Mate," we both muttered at the same time, and I could not tell as to how we were feeling about meeting our other half, especially since I was a Rogue.

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