Chapter 48

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Something started to feel off the closer we got back to the packhouse that we were staying at for the time being, and I started to slow down my truck while I looked around, grabbing the steering wheel tighter.

Corbin looked at me before he turned the music down before he leaned back in his seat. "What happened?" he asked and raised an eyebrow in question while he looked at me. "What is it? What's wrong?"

I set my jaw and shook my head, grabbing my steering wheel tighter. "I don't know," I said honestly while I looked around, setting my jaw tighter while I bit the inside of my lip. "Something is wrong, and I don't like it one bit."

Corbin hesitated and slowly nodded, pressing his lips into a thin line. "Is it Brickson?" Corbin asked and looked around before he looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "Is that who you are feeling?"

I stayed silent and shook my head, pressing my lips into a thin line. I knew that it wasn't Brickson, but it was something else, something much darker than seeing him even when he was controlled.

"Kel?" Corbin asked again. "What is it?" He set his jaw and narrowed his eyes while he looked around before he looked at me again.

I shook my head and slowly started to drive forward again but this time at a crawl. I knew that I should back up and get away from this feeling, but this wasn't something that I could get away from, especially since I had promised to protect this pack and the people within it.

"Are you sure that you should be doing this?" Corbin asked, his voice barely above a whisper, and I bit back a small snort and rolled my eyes but didn't say a word. "Then what are you going to do?"

"Would you just shut up, Corbin?" I asked with a small snap in my voice while I slammed my hand against the steering wheel. "And let me figure this shit out?"

Corbin bit back a small snort and pressed his lips into a thin line. He shifted in his seat and looked around, and I had a feeling that he didn't start to like this as well.

I set my jaw and grabbed my steering wheel tighter, happy that Corbin didn't say another word.


"Shit!" I exclaimed and flinched when something hit my truck, slamming my foot on the brakes, and the truck stopped, and Corbin muttered a small curse while he grabbed the "oh shit" bar.




Someone started to shoot at my truck, and I couldn't help but cuss and started to drive my truck faster in the direction of the pack house, grateful that my truck was bulletproof and no bullets got inside the cab of the truck.

"Are you sure that you want to go this way?" Corbin asked, his voice loud so that I could hear him over the noise of the bullets hitting my truck.




"And where should I go, Corbin?" I asked with a small snap in my voice. I kept going in the direction that we were going in, and I bit back another growl and bared my teeth in annoyance. "We can't go anywhere else."




"Yes, we can!" he exclaimed and nodded in confirmation. "Do you think we can get Joel to meet us somewhere?"

I set my jaw while I thought about it, and I bit back a small curse before I slowly nodded in confirmation. "Fine," I said and swung the truck off of the road and into the woods, and I bounced in the seat while we drove the truck into the woods, creating a new path through the trees. "Call Joel."




Corbin swore under his breath and pressed a button on my screen so that he could call him that way.


"I am calling him," he said, interrupting me. "I think he needs to hear what's happening." He looked at me before he cleared his throat, shifting in his seat while he grabbed the truck's seat and turning his attention back to the bluetooth screen. "If it doesn't work, then I am going to call him on my cell."

I rolled my eyes and grunted, biting back a small annoyance but nodded in confirmation, letting him do what he wanted to do, praying that it would work.




Bullets continued to rain down on us, and it looked like they were following us, trying to get through the protection of the truck and hit us.

"Where are they coming from?" Corbin asked while my phone continued to ring, waiting for Joel to answer. "What the fuck is happening?"

"I do not know, Corbin," I said with a small sarcastic tone in my voice, and I swerved around the trees, very grateful that my truck had four-wheel drive. "Maybe they are coming from somewhere else or everywhere. Have you thought about that?"

Corbin bit back a small snort and rolled his eyes, scowling while he grabbed the "oh shit" bar again. "Very funny, Kel," he grumbled before he cleared his throat and swore under his breath when I jerked the steering wheel to miss another tree before I pressed the pedal to the metal and started going faster. He hit his head on the window, biting his lip so hard that I could smell blood. "Damn, it Kel. Did you have to do that?" he asked and rubbed his head.

I didn't say a word and rolled my eyes, scowling before I turned the steering wheel the other way and missed another tree.




Bullets ricochet off the truck, and both of us were still not hit by any, much to my relief.

The phone stopped ringing when Joel picked up the phone, and I breathed a small sigh of relief. "Hello?" he asked, and there was a bit of worry in his voice as if he heard some of the bullets hitting my car. "Kel? Are you there? Is everything ok?"




"Help," I said, muttering another swear word under my breath when I turned the steering wheel in a different direction and went that way, still trying to get away from the bullets, but they seemed to be following us just as fast as we were driving. "We're getting shot at, Joel, and we do not know from where or from whom."

He paused and cleared his throat, and I could hear movement from the other side of the line as if he was getting ready to help me. "Where are you?" he asked, his voice turning slightly darker, and it sounded like he was getting protective, too. "What did you do?"

"Nothing," I said with a small hiss in my voice, and I rolled my eyes and scowled. "Corbin, send Joel our location."

"With the way that you are driving? Hell to the fucking no," Corbin said with a small snap in his voice. "I am not doing that."

"Well, if you don't, then we die," I snapped while I looked at him from the corner of my eye before I turned my gaze back to the path that I was taking so that I could miss another tree. "So, send him the information. Now."

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