It is over soon- Part 30

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The next day Ömer and Kivilcim were looking for wedding dresses...

Kivilcim felt uneasy the whole time. As the two looked at the dresses, Kivilcim's phone rang.

Kivilcim:"Doğa is calling!"

Ömer: "Answer it. Maybe that's important!"

Kivilcim:"I think so too...!"


Doğa: "Mom, can we meet today, I don't feel well!"

Kivilcim: "Did something happen?"

Doğa: "Everything's fine with us, but I need you!"

Kivilcim: "Ok darling, I'm busy right now, I'll come later or let's meet outside..!"

Doğa:"Mom can you pick me up?"

Kivilcim: "Ok, I'll let Dior know when I'm standing in front of the garage!"

Doğa: "No... Come to the front door and ring the bell... Please."

Kivilcim:"Doğa! Don't go crazy! Do you think Fatih won't allow you to go out?!... Does his family say something when you want to go out? Does Fatih say something to you when you want to go out?..!"

Ömer looked at Kivilcim in surprise...

Doğa: "Mom, I'm pregnant... If he sees me going out alone, then Fatih won't allow me...!"

Kivilcim: "Why tell him I'm coming with you?!"

Doğa:"Mom please!"

Kivilcim: "It's all good...But don't put up with it!"

Doğa:"Thank you Mom!"

Ömer was a bit confused and asked: "Did something happen?"

Kivilcim: "No, everything's fine... Doğa wanted to meet me... .. After we've picked out the dress, I'll go pick her up... Ömer could you drive me home.. I have to take the car with me..!"

Ömer: "Darling... I'll take you to my brother's... I'll stay there and talk to him. I want to go to him these days anyway. You can take my car, then bring Doğa back and I'll drive you afterwards Back home...okay!"

He kissed her cheek. Kivilcim smiled...

Kivilcim: "It won't be too complicated"

Ömer: "No, darling.. Besides, I would feel good.. It would be like we were husband and wife and...I can't explain it to you...!"

Kivilcim:"Ok darling...!"

Both were looking for new dresses and suits for the wedding... However, Ömer wasn't allowed to see her dress... After a few hours, both were satisfied and finished with everything.

Late in the evening they both drove to Abdullah Ünal's house.

Both went in and Kivilcim picked up Doğa. Mother and daughter went to a coffee bar together. There, Doğa said that she no longer felt well. Everything was a lot for her... But before she wanted to tell details, she found out that Kivilcim and Ömer are getting married next week...

Doğa:"I'm happy for you...!"

Kivilcim: "Ahh thank you darling.. Actually we would like to say that to everyone on Saturday at dinner.. Please don't tell anyone.. Only you and Alev know that!"

Doğa: "Everything's fine, ..!"

Kivilcim:"Doğa my darling... I know that you feel uncomfortable and think that everything around you is different or bad.. It's the hormones... You'll be a mother soon.. Everything will change.. Maybe you feel so unwell because you're thinking so much...The birth, what will happen afterwards...None of this is easy...but you can do it...And my darling, I'm always with you...No matter what happen!"

Doğa: "I know mom, I love you...!"

Doğa and Alev found out that Fatih was cheating on them... That was the reason for Doğa's mood and unwellness. She actually wanted to talk about it...But when she found out that her mother was getting married, she didn't say anything. She didn't want to change her mother's mood!

'She wrote to Alev briefly: "Alev as discussed, I met mom... I wanted to tell her first and then make a plan with you... But I only just found out that she will soon be marrying Ömer Abi.... I can not destroy her joy and happiness!"

Alev: "What do you want to do then? Stay married to him?"

Doğa: "No... change plans... I'll tell all the whole thing at a family meeting after the wedding! I will do it infront of all... Let's talk about it later.. I am with mom!"

Alev:"Ok.. am waiting!" '

Kivilcim:"Honey is what?"

Doğa put the phone away...: "No... Fatih asks what we're doing!"

Kivilcim: "That's getting to be enough. Should I talk to him?"

Doğa:"Mom please!... Can we get up?"

Kivilcim:"Because of Fatih?!"

Doğa: "No... My back... I have to lie down... It's almost time... A few more weeks... The last few weeks have been bad...!"

Kivilcim: "I know, darling, hold on... Soon you'll have made it. And after you take your child in your arms, you'll be overjoyed and grateful! And all the problems and worries you had will mean nothing anymore !"

Doğa smiled: "Thank you mom... I love you and I'm over the moon... I'm looking forward to... and also to your wedding..."

Next part Maybe monday or Wednesday :) 

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