Chapter 1 - Fate

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The meaning of your existence is to protect her.

That is the reason why you were created.

To protect her, to keep her safe.

That is your destiny, your only reason to breathe, your purpose.

For in her safety, your world finds its true meaning.


The sound of clashing swords echoed, accompanied by the pungent stench of blood in the air.

You stood atop a mountain of dead bodies, blood-red robes flowing in the fierce wind, your eyes calm with a cruel indifference. The landscape was painted in shades of scarlet and ebony, with the setting sun casting a final, fiery gaze upon the world below.

"The Heavenly Slaughter Demon shall die today," a voice boomed from the clouds above. The members of the most powerful sects and clans of the continent descended, their robes untouched by battle, contrasting starkly against the war-ravaged panorama. In front of them stood none other than Wind Master Tian Wencheng.

You smirked. "Do you truly believe you can defeat me?" your voice was a cold, biting whisper that echoed across the desolate battlefield.

Wind Master Tian Wencheng, a regal figure with silver hair and sky-blue robes, stepped forward. "Your hate knows no bounds, (Y/N) Silva. For the sake of this world, you must be vanquished. You have caused enough bloodshed."

"No..." you replied. "This is where you're wrong." Even the Wind Master himself felt a slight chill at your response. Your eyes, usually calm like a tranquil lake, now blazed with an inferno of rage.

"This wretched world," you began, your voice dripping with venom, "has taken everything from me. It has betrayed my trust, desecrated my honor, and made a mockery of my very existence. Everywhere I turn, I see deceit, treachery, and greed. The once-hallowed lands now reek of corruption, and the heavens themselves mock me with their indifference. I am no longer bound by the chains of morality or righteousness. The world's cruelty has freed me from those shackles."

With a battle cry, two forces collided. Energy beams, sharp as blades, tore through the air. The ground trembled, fissures appearing as the battle waged, consuming everything in its wake.

Despite your immense power, you were outnumbered. The combined might of the forces began to wear you down. Blow after blow, strike after strike, you found yourself pushed to the edge.

Amidst the chaos of battle, a sudden hush fell over the battlefield. The winds howled, almost as if mourning an impending loss, and the skies turned a somber shade. The ground quaked under the weight of the great forces locked in a dance of death.

You, with your robe stained with your own blood, stood tall, defiance burning in your eyes. But for all your strength and rage, even the mighty Heavenly Slaughter Demon had limits.

From the shadows emerged the Wind Master, Tian Wencheng, flanked by his four deadliest allies. With a synchronized motion, they struck, their blades singing through the air with grim.

One by one, the swords found their mark, piercing your body. Each impalement was like a cruel chorus, echoing the world's judgment upon you. With the fifth and final blade, delivered by the Wind Master himself, your knees buckled, and you were brought to the ground, held upright only by the cruel swords that pinned you.

Blood seeped from your wounds, but your gaze remained resolute, locked onto Tian Wencheng. "Even in death," you rasped, your voice filled with immense pain, "the heart of a demon has no regret."

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