Chapter 9 - The Stars

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The day began with the usual hustle and bustle of the dorm. Alarms rang out, signaling the start of another busy day. You were already awake and preparing breakfast, listening to the sounds of doors opening and closing, accompanied by the soft murmurs of morning greetings.

Winter was the first to enter the kitchen, her hair tousled from sleep. "Morning, (Y/N)," she greeted, her voice still heavy with drowsiness.

"Good morning, Minjeong. Did you sleep well?" You asked, placing a plate with breakfast on the table for her.

Winter nodded, taking a seat. "Yeah, thanks. What about you?"

You paused for a moment, a faint smile on your lips. "Hmm! Me too."

As the other members trickled into the kitchen, the atmosphere became lively with conversations about the day's schedule and light-hearted banter. Karina was discussing the new dance routine they had to perfect, while Winter and Ningning were debating over the best vocal exercises.

You observed them, a sense of happiness filling you. Over the past weeks, you have become an integral part of this small group, sharing in their joys and challenges. You had seen them at their best and their worst, and they had accepted you, a stranger in their midst.


The day unfolded with the usual energy and vibrancy of the group. The members were busy with their rigorous practice schedule, refining their dance moves and vocal skills. You, of course, kept a close eye on them.

Winter, in particular, seemed more contemplative than usual. As the practice session came to a close, she approached you. "(Y/N), do you have a moment?" she asked, her voice soft.

"Of course. What's on your mind?" you responded, your attention shifting fully to her.

"I was's been such a hectic time for all of us recently. I want to do something peaceful tonight. Would you...would you like to go stargazing with me?" Winter asked, her eyes filled with a gentle hopefulness.

You were taken aback for a moment, not expecting such a request. However, seeing the sincerity in Winter's eyes, you couldn't help but smile. "Stargazing? That sounds nice. I'd be happy to join you."

Winter's face lit up with a bright smile, relieved and happy at your acceptance. "Great! I know a quiet place on the outskirts of the city. We could go there."

The practice session continued with high energy, with the members of Aespa pushing themselves to perfect their performance. However, in a moment of miscalculation, Winter lost her balance and twisted her ankle. She let out a sharp gasp of pain, collapsing onto the dance floor.

Without missing a beat, you were at her side, your protective instincts kicking in. "Easy, Minjeong. Don't try to stand on it," you cautioned, gently examining her ankle.

"I...I think I twisted it," Winter said through gritted teeth, wincing as a wave of pain washed over her.

You didn't need any further encouragement. With gentle yet firm hands, you scooped Winter up, carrying her bridal style out of the practice room. The other members voiced their concerns, but you assured them you would take care of her.

Back in the dorm, you set Winter down on her bed, your expression focused as you began to treat her injury. As you applied medicine, you subtly channeled your Qi, accelerating the healing process. Within moments, Winter felt the pain in her ankle lessen significantly.

"Wow...what is in that medicine?" Winter exclaimed, her eyes wide with surprise.

You offered her a small smile, choosing to keep your use of Qi a secret. "It's just a special blend. I'm glad it's helping."

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