Chapter 13 - Truth

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Your consciousness slowly returned, bringing with it a symphony of pain and discomfort. Your body felt heavy, and every breath you took was labored and filled with a sharp sting. You tried to open your eyes, but the light was too bright, forcing you to squint and turn your head slightly.

As your senses started to come back to you, you became aware of a soft, warm presence by your side. You managed to open your eyes a little more, adjusting to the light, and found Karina sitting next to your bed, her eyes filled with concern.

"(Y/N)..." she whispered, her voice filled with relief as she saw you stir. "You're awake."

You tried to speak, but your throat was dry and it came out as a hoarse whisper. "Jimin..."

Karina quickly reached for a cup of water on the bedside table, helping you take a small sip. The cool liquid was soothing against your raw throat, and you managed a small nod of thanks.

"How are you feeling?" Karina asked gently, her hand finding yours, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"Like I've been run over by a truck," you joked weakly, trying to lighten the mood despite the pain.

Karina couldn't help but chuckle, but her eyes were filled with tears. "You scared us, (Y/N). We didn't know if you were going to make it."

Your heart ached at the sight of her tears, and you squeezed her hand gently. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to worry you."

"We found you unconscious after the concert. The doctors said you were in a bad shape when you were brought in. You lost a lot of blood, and the bullets... they were coated with something that made it hard for you to heal," Karina explained, her voice shaky.

Your memories of the night came flooding back - the phone call, the bullets, the fight. You had pushed yourself to your limits, all to protect aespa, to protect Karina and her members.

"You saved us, didn't you?" Karina asked softly, as if reading your thoughts. "You fought them off."

You didn't answer, but the look in your eyes said it all. You would always protect them, no matter the cost.

"Thank you, (Y/N)," Karina whispered, tears streaming down her face. "Thank you for saving us."

And as you looked into her eyes, filled with gratitude and something else you couldn't quite place, you realized that despite the pain, despite the danger, you would do it all over again in a heartbeat. For them, for her, you would always be there to protect them.

Karina's expression shifted from relief to sorrow as she took a deep breath, preparing herself to deliver the next piece of news. "(Y/N)," she began, her voice laced with hesitation, "the company... they've decided to let you go."

Your heart sank, though you couldn't say you were completely surprised. You had always known that your mysterious past was a ticking time bomb, waiting to explode.

"They said it's because of your unknown past. They're worried it could be a threat to us, to aespa," Karina explained, her eyes searching yours for any reaction.

You remained silent, your gaze fixed on the white hospital sheets. You had brought this upon yourself, you knew that. Your past was a part of who you were, and you couldn't escape it, no matter how hard you tried. Even if it is in a completely different world.

"(Y/N)," Karina said softly, her hand squeezing yours gently, "why don't we know anything about you? Who are you really?"

The question hung in the air, heavy and loaded. You could feel Karina's gaze on you, filled with a mix of curiosity, concern, and a hint of desperation. She wanted to understand you, to know your secrets. But you couldn't bring yourself to open up, to expose your dark past and risk losing her. To say that you are from another world. Would they even believe you?

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