Chapter 17 - The Vast and Big World

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Your eyes fluttered open to the hush of morning light filtering through the curtains. The weight on your chest was both surprising and comforting, a warmth that had not been there when you drifted off to sleep. You blinked, your gaze softening as you realized Ningning was snuggled on top of you, her breathing even and peaceful. Her presence was unexpected, yet there was an odd sense of warmth to it.

For a moment, you lay still, not wanting to disturb the quiet moment. The rise and fall of Ningning's breaths were in sync with your own. You wondered what dreams danced behind her closed eyelids, what silent thoughts had driven her to seek comfort in your intimacy.

Ningning's eyes fluttered open, her lashes casting delicate shadows on her cheeks as the morning light played across her face. She met your gaze, a contented smile curving her lips, the kind that reached her eyes and echoed warmth.

"Why are you here?" your voice was soft, a whisper amidst the tranquility of the room.

Her smile deepened, and she shifted slightly, her presence a gentle weight upon you. "I just missed you so much," she admitted, her voice carrying the faintest tremor of emotion. "I had to come to you."

In that quiet space, words became meaningless, and as if drawn by an invisible thread, you leaned closer.

Your lips met with a palpable urgency. As you kissed, the world beyond the confines of your embrace receded into insignificance, giving way to the rising tide of your connection. With each breath, with each pressing of lips and intertwining of fingers, the heat between you built. A build-up of shared desire that promised to sweep you away.

Ningning's hands traced the lines of your shoulders, her touch light but charged with an electric current that promised more. And as the morning light grew stronger outside, the glow between you burned even brighter.

As your kisses deepened, there was a gentle exploration. Ningning's fingers brushed against your cheek, tracing the line of your jaw before threading through your hair, pulling you closer, if such a thing were possible. Your hands, equally expressive, caressed her back, finding the rhythm of her breath, the beats of her heart, the sighs that escaped her lips.

There was a silent language spoken in the brush of skin against skin, the intertwining of legs, the gentle pressure of fingers mapping the landscapes of your bodies. With each touch, you sought to memorize the feel of her.

The passion of your encounter softened into the warm afterglow of tenderness as Ningning drew back slightly, her eyes gleaming with a blend of emotions, reflecting the depth of what had just transpired between you.

She snuggled into your embrace, her head finding the familiar, comforting spot on your chest, as the rise and fall of your breathing harmonized with hers.

In the quietude of the room, with the world held at bay, Ningning's voice was a gentle whisper, a melody that seemed to resonate directly within your heart. "I love you," she said, her words simple yet laden with the weight of her feelings.

Your response was instinctive, a surge of affection that demanded expression. You wrapped your arms around her, a protective cocoon. Your lips met again, this time the kiss was imbued with all the emotion that words could not encapsulate. It was deep and soulful.

As you parted, you held Ningning's gaze, ensuring she could see the truth in your own eyes. "I love you, too," you declared.

You both lay there in silence, the world outside continuing oblivious, while inside that room, in each other's arms, everything that mattered was right there.

However, the room changed with the intensity of your desires, as the air got thick with anticipation. Ningning, with a look that mixed innocence and yearning, gazed up into your eyes, her own eyes shimmering with a question that her lips whispered softly, "Do you want me?"

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