Chapter 24 - Shanghai Shenanigans

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At Tokyo Airport, bustling with announcements, passengers conversing, and the constant hustle of people, you stand with the members of Aespa, Minhyuk, and Mr. Lee preparing to board your flight to Shanghai.

Ningning, barely able to contain her excitement, clutches your hands. "I can't wait to be back in China!" she exclaims, her voice brimming with enthusiasm. "I'm really looking forward to showing you around, (Y/N)!"

You can't help but smile at her infectious energy. "I'm excited to see it with you," you respond, feeling happy in the way she holds your hands.

Around you, the other members of Aespa observe this interaction with mixed emotions. Giselle's smile is tinged with understanding, while Winter and Karina exchange a glance that speaks of their complex feelings. The dynamics within the group have shifted, their feelings for you getting more complicated with each moment passing.

Minhyuk, standing a little apart, watches over everyone with a protective eye. He decided to play the role of bodyguard as well, mainly to lift some responsibilities off your shoulders.

The boarding call for your flight interrupts the moment. Ningning's excitement doesn't diminish. She enthusiastically shares her plans about the places she wants to take you and the local cuisine you must try.

"You should definitely try Xiaolongbao, the ones in Shanghai are the best! Or I can show you the Longhua temple! Oh, and you should see the Yu Yuan!"

As you all line up to board the plane, you take a moment to look at each member of Aespa.

As you step onto the plane, the focus is now on the journey ahead. Casting one last look at the bustling airport, you follow the group onto the plane, ready for whatever awaits in Shanghai.

Chapter 24 - Shanghai Shenanigans

As you board the plane, settling into the comfortable seats, Ningning eagerly takes the spot next to you. With a contented sigh, she leans her head on your shoulder, her face rubbing gently against you.

You can't help but chuckle softly, feeling the happiness radiating from her. "You seem really happy," you comment, a smile in your voice, as you glance down at her affectionate gesture.

Ningning lifts her head, her eyes sparkling with a mix of excitement and affection. "Of course, I am," she says. "I get to show my home country to the man I love. What could make me happier?"

Her words resonate deeply within you, stirring a mix of emotions. There's a sense of gratefulness for the trust and love she's placed in you, coupled with a protective instinct that flares stronger. You have to protect this girl at all costs!

You reach out, gently tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear, your touch light but filled with care. Ningning's expression softens, and she nestles closer to you.

As the plane prepares for takeoff, the cabin lights dim, casting a cozy ambiance. Ningning, content in her seat beside you, closes her eyes, a peaceful expression on her face. You watch her for a moment, admiring the tranquility she exudes.

This girl has once saved you when you were in deep darkness. And for that, you will dedicate all of your life to her.

The hum of the engines and the gentle rhythm of Ningning's breathing create a calming atmosphere. You take a deep breath, feeling a sense of anticipation for the journey ahead and the experiences that await in China.

With Ningning by your side, you feel ready to face whatever challenges might come your way. You can't remember when was the last time you felt this much love.

In your previous life, you were completely blinded by rage and destruction. It was a life full of anger but mostly, a life full of pain and sadness. The depths of hell burned away all of your humanity and what was left was something horrible.

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