Chapter 3 - Modernization Training

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The serenity of the night was interrupted only by the faint rustling of the trees, as a silvery light washed over the Moon Empire's royal garden. You stood there, dressed in your royal guard attire, the emblem of your family shining brilliantly on your chest.

Beside you was a woman of unparalleled beauty. Her hair flowed like a cascading river, shimmering under the moonlight. Her elegant dress, intricately designed with silver and pearls, made her appear as if she were a part of the moon itself. This was the Moon Princess, Yu Jihae, the beacon of hope for the moon empire, and the love of your life.

You strolled through the garden, your hands intertwined. The soft giggles of the princess echoed as you whispered sweet things into her ear, and she responded with a radiant smile. Your love was strong, a force that seemed to transcend the boundaries of time and space.

But as you approached the luminous Moon Pond at the center of the garden, the scenery began to distort. The soothing chirps of the birds turned into agonized cries. The bright reflection of the moon in the pond became blood-red.

Suddenly, the Moon Princess collapsed. You rushed to her, cradling her delicate form in your arms. The beautiful face, which had always been full of life and laughter, now looked pale and lifeless. Her once-vibrant eyes stared blankly at the sky.

"No!" You cried out, your voice echoing with despair. "Please, don't leave me!"

But it was too late. The Moon Princess was gone, leaving you with a gaping hole in your heart.

With a jolt, you awoke, your breath ragged, and your body covered in a cold sweat. You sat up, trying to shake off the remnants of the dream. The images were vivid, the emotions raw, and for a moment, you were back in that world, back in that moment of loss and pain.

But as you looked around, taking in the unfamiliar surroundings of the modern room, reality set back in. You were no longer in that world; you were no longer the 'Heavenly Slaughter Demon.' You were (Y/N), just (Y/N), in a world full of possibilities and second chances.

You lay there, trying to calm your racing heart, wondering if this new world could ever heal the wounds of your past.

Chapter 3 - Modernization Training

Your heart is still pounding, echoes of your nightmare reverberating in your mind as you sit on the edge of the bed. The images of the Moon Princess, so vivid and heart-wrenching, refuse to fade away. You need to clear your head, breathe in the cool night air, and find some semblance of peace.

Quietly, you slip out of the dorm, ensuring not to disturb the sleeping members of Aespa. The night is quiet, the city's usual bustle subdued under the moon's gentle glow. You walk aimlessly, your thoughts a turbulent storm.

The modern world is so vastly different from what you had known. Skyscrapers reach for the heavens, neon lights painting the night in vibrant hues. People, even at this late hour, walk the streets, their lives continuing in a rhythm you have yet to understand.

Then, a sudden commotion. A woman's scream pierces the night, snapping you back to the present. Without a second thought, you rush towards the source, instincts honed from centuries of combat readying you for action.

But before you can reach the scene, another figure intervenes, defusing the situation with swift efficiency. The police arrive soon after, and you fade back into the shadows, unnoticed.

Your heart races, not from the adrenaline of potential combat, but from the realization that this world, despite its strange and unfamiliar ways, still holds the same struggles of good and evil, of protectors and those in need of protection.

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