Chapter 4 - Ningning

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As dawn's first light filters through the curtains, you wake up, ready to start your day.

You find the members in the living room, engaged in light conversation and enjoying their breakfast. Gathering your courage, you greet them with a respectful bow.

"Good morning, everyone," your voice rings out, clear and steady.

"Morning, (Y/N)!" Winter's warm smile greets you first.

Karina gives you a nod, "Morning. Ready for your first official day?"

"Absolutely," determination shines in your eyes as you respond.

Ningning chuckles, "You always sound so serious. It's kind of cool."

And then, Giselle joins in, her eyes twinkling with playful mischief, "Yeah, our very own knight in shining armor. Or should I say, our guardian angel?"

The word 'angel' echoes in your ears, taking you aback. You, who were once called the Heavenly Slaughter Demon, now being referred to as an angel? The irony is not lost on you, and for a brief moment, you're left speechless.

"Guardian angel?" you echo, curiosity and a hint of surprise lacing your voice.

With a playful smile, Giselle steps closer, "Yeah, always watching over us, ready to save the day whenever we need it."

The rest of the group breaks into giggles, yet there's a tender look in Giselle's eyes, a change so subtle yet so apparent. Karina and Winter share a quick, knowing glance, while Ningning attempts to conceal her amusement.

Even though the playful banter is somewhat lost on you, you decide to respond with earnest sincerity. "I will do my best to protect all of you,"

Giselle's smile turns gentle, "I know you will. We're really lucky to have you."

You smile, "I'm glad to hear that."


As you step through the door of the dance studio, your eyes immediately sweep the room. The mirrored walls around you throw back the image of Aespa, each member wholly absorbed in the rhythm and flow of the dance. Their synchronized steps create a pulsating rhythm, a beat that echoes in your chest, drawing you in.

They were dancing to their recent comeback song 'Next Level'.

You take your position near the entrance, keeping the entire room within your line of sight, ready to leap into action at the first hint of danger. Yet, as your eyes trace the fluid movements of the dancers, you find yourself captivated. The grace, the precision, it's unlike any battle formation or martial dance from your world.

For a fleeting moment, you forget your duty, lost in their performance. Their perfect synchronization, the way they move as a single entity, is a dance of strength and vulnerability. It's a testament to their hard work and passion.

But then, your training kicks in. Your gaze sharpens, scanning the room for any potential threats. You remind yourself of your duty, of the reason you stand in the shadows. And yet, the sense of awe and respect doesn't fade.

As the final beats of the music echo in the room, you watch as the members of Aespa gradually bring their dance to a halt. They're visibly exhausted, their faces flushed and breathing heavy, yet there's a tangible sense of accomplishment in their eyes. They've poured everything into their practice, and it doesn't go unnoticed.

"Great job, everyone!" Karina's voice rings out. "Let's take a break."

The members scatter, each grabbing their water bottles and towels. You stand to the side, having observed the entirety of their practice, taking note of their precision and unity.

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