Chapter 2 - Level Zero

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The rain continued to pour, drenching the streets. The once chaotic scene had died down, leaving you and Karina standing amidst the rain-soaked aftermath. The wetness of the environment mirrored the heavy tension between you two.

Chapter 2 - Level Zero

"Thank you again," Karina said softly, her voice barely audible over the sound of raindrops hitting the ground. "For saving me."

You nodded, your sharp eyes not leaving her face. "I was just passing by, no need to thank me."

Karina glanced down at your outfit, her eyes widening slightly. You wore an intricate robe of deep blues and silvers, the kind of clothing that was clearly from another era-or in your case, perhaps another world.

She smirked, teasing you lightly. "You know, most people around here don't really walk around in... whatever that is. Planning on starting a new trend?"

You looked down at yourself, a tad self-conscious. "Is it... inappropriate?"

"No, not inappropriate. Just unique," Karina replied with a chuckle. "It does have a certain... charm to it. Very royal."

You raised an eyebrow, the hint of a smile playing at your lips. "Royal, you say?"

She nodded, laughing. "Yeah, like you just stepped out of a historical drama. It's a good look on you, though. Very... memorable."

You remembered that the little girl from before also called you a prince. It seems that in this world, this type of clothing is worn by nobility.

Karina, despite her gratitude, felt a strange curiosity. "Who are you? I've never seen you around before."

"I am... new here," You admitted, glancing around at the foreign urban environment.

Karina tilted her head, her curious eyes sizing you up. "Do you even know where 'here' is?"

You frowned, a hint of vulnerability showing. "This Empire... I do not recognize."

The pop star blinked in surprise. "Empire? Are you okay?" Concern laced her voice, but she also looked intrigued. "You're in Seoul. South Korea. Does that... ring any bells?"

You looked at her, with confusion evident. "Seoul?"

Karina bit her lip, observing you carefully. There was something deeply unusual about you. "Listen, do you have a place to stay? Or at least know where you're heading?"

You paused, and for the first time, you looked truly lost. "I... do not."

Karina sighed, taking a step closer. "Alright. Let's get out of this rain first. We can talk more later."

You nodded gratitude in your gaze. And with that, you two began walking side by side, disappearing into the rain-soaked night of the city.

As you two found shelter from the rain beneath a nearby awning, Karina observed you with a mix of curiosity and amusement. Your reactions to everything, from the neon signs to the passing cars, were those of someone seeing them for the first time.

"You know," she began thoughtfully, "there are groups of people in the world who choose to live away from modern society. They avoid things like cars, electricity, and even the internet to maintain a simpler way of life."

You looked at her. "Are you suggesting that I come from such a place?"

She shrugged slightly. "It would explain a lot. Your clothes, your unfamiliarity with the surroundings, even the way you talk-it's all so... different."

You paused, contemplating her words. While it wasn't the exact truth, it was close enough to serve as a cover for now. "Yes, you can say I've lived in seclusion for most of my life."

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