Chapter 7 - The Mission

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Quietly, You crept toward the window of your room, careful not to make a sound that might alert the other members of Aespa to your departure. With a deep breath, you pushed the window open just wide enough for you to slip through, glancing back once more at the peaceful dorm before jumping out.

As you descended, you channeled your Qi, allowing it to flow through your body and cushion the impact of the fall. You landed gracefully, almost like a cat, with no sign of injury or strain. The night was quiet, and the cool air brushed against your face, carrying with it the sounds of the city that never truly slept.

You reached for your phone as it buzzed in your pocket, another message lighting up the screen. "Go to the top of the Lotte World Tower. You will meet a contact there. He will give you the details of your mission."

Your eyes narrowed slightly as you read the message. The Lotte World Tower was one of the tallest buildings in Seoul, and getting to the top unnoticed would be no small feat. You pocketed your phone and took a deep breath, focusing your Qi once more.

With swift movements, you started to make your way through the city, blending into the shadows and moving with speed. Your mind was racing, trying to anticipate what kind of mission would require you to meet at such a place and this hour. But no matter the scenarios that played out in your head, you knew that you had to be prepared for anything.

Chapter 7- The Mission

As you neared the towering structure of the Lotte World Tower, you could feel your senses heightening, your body ready for whatever was to come.

You stood before the imposing Lotte World Tower, your gaze fixed on the pinnacle that pierced the night sky. The building loomed above you, its lights shimmering in the dark.

You took a deep breath, centering yourself and focusing your Qi on your feet and legs. In the next instant, you propelled yourself upwards with incredible speed, the cityscape blurring around you as you soared toward the top.

Inside the tower, a young couple was enjoying the night view, completely unaware of the extraordinary event unfolding outside. The girl, her eyes wide with wonder, suddenly caught a glimpse of something moving at an incredible speed past the window. "Did you see that?" she gasped, turning to her boyfriend with a look of astonishment.

"What? What did you see?" her boyfriend asked, his attention snapping to her.

"I... I thought I saw something fly past just now. It was so fast," she said, her eyes scanning the night sky for any sign of the mysterious object.

Her boyfriend chuckled softly, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "You're probably just seeing things. It's been a long day, and our minds can play tricks on us when we're tired."

But the girl wasn't so sure. She had a strange feeling in her gut as if she had just witnessed something extraordinary. However, she decided to let it go, not wanting to ruin the moment. "Yeah, you're probably right," she said with a small smile, leaning into her boyfriend's embrace.

Meanwhile, you had reached the top of the tower, your body moving with practiced ease as you landed softly on the rooftop. You scanned the area, your senses on high alert, as you waited for the contact the temple had mentioned. The city stretched out below you, a sea of lights and possibilities, and for a moment, you allowed yourself to get lost in the beauty of it all.

Suddenly, a figure stepped out from the shadows, moving with an air of confidence and ease. Minhyuk, as he introduced himself, had a tall build and a sharp, angular face. His eyes held a hint of mischief.

"(Y/N), right?" Minhyuk drawled, his tone laced with a snarky undertone. "Heard a lot about you. The demon who's trying to play the hero. Color me intrigued."

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