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i sat in the break room, eating my lunch. some other nurses were here but not many. there was a fridge, sink, cooler, etc. there was a small couch, which i was sitting on. we just got a new couch too we just dont know when itll be here.

anyway, kya has been doing okay so far. her head injury has gotten better. a lot better. shes up and moving around now. we released yesterday and went back to air temple island so she could visit tenzin, pema, and the kids.

everyone left the break room and it was just me alone with my thoughts. i sat in silence while i ate my salad, until the door opened. i looked at lin standing in the doorway with a file in her hand.

"i have a couple questions for you nurse zuri" she said. i sighed and spoke. "take a seat." i say. she closed the door, sat down and threw the file on the table.

"i believe you have a patient here who needs to be arrested. i talked to his family and got a report on him a couple days ago. his name is miki. hes 29 and a non bender." she says handing me the file. i look at her and take the file. she crossed her arms and watched as i real through this mans file.

miki marlilo

wanted for: murder, assault, sexual assault, stealing, rape.

"i got the guy. hes on floor 2, room 259" i say handing the file back to her. "take me to him" she demands. "can i finish my lunch?" she sighed watched be eat. "i was just in this guys room before i came in here. we gave him some pills so he would knock out" i said and took a bite of my salad. she nodded and didnt talk for the rest of the time.

i finished my salad and we walked to the room the man is in.

"in here" i say opening the door and letting chief walk in before me. there were a couple officers waiting outside the room.

miki was surprisingly awake. he looked at the chief with wide eyes and was scared for his life.

"miki, your under arrest for 5 violations of republic city" chief said sternly with her arms behind her back. miki quickly jumped out of the bed and ran to the window, broke the window and stood in it.

"what are you doing?!" chief yelled. "whats it look like?!" miki yelled back. he went to jump but i wrapped water around him, yanking him back in the room.

"you think your so fucking slick huh?" lin said grabbing him by the collar of his shirt. "no maam" miki said shaking. i smirked as i watched lin. she whipped him around and shoved him into a wall. "lin hes still heal-" "i dont care. ill have a healer come into the station and he'll be healed there" she said walking him out the door. some other officers took him away while lin stayed back.

"sorry this had to happen" i say. "its fine. at least we got him" the earthbender said. i nod and she walked away.

"wait" i say catching up and walking with her. she hummed, waiting for me to speak. "ive been meaning to ask you something" i say. "get on with it already" she says with some additude. i rolled my eyes at her additude. "would you like to go out for dinner sometime?" i ask looking at her. her cheeks turned a tint of red. "i dont see why not. when though?" "whenever your free" i say. she stopped walking and turned to me. "you should get back go work" lin said. "oh yeah. ill see you soon then" she nodded and walked away with her hands behind her back like always.

"still down bad for the chief huh?" jari asked. "yep. always have been" i say. i know lin dont feel the same way i do, and i dont mind. i at least want to go out to dinner with her or something. i mean, she usually comes to visit me a couple days a week or i come visit her.

i look at the clock to see its 3pm. well, its time for me to clock out and go home.

after i clocked out i went to grab some food.

"can i get a sandwich, any kind doesnt matter" i say. the man nodded and i thought about lin. "actually make that two sandwiches please" i say. "no problem" the man said and started to make another sandwich. once he was done i paid for the food and said thank you then left.

i walked into the police station and was greeted by mako. "hello doctor amari" he said, "here to see the chief?" he asked. "howd you know" he shrugged and told me where her office was. "one more thing, has she eaten today?" i ask. "no not that ive seen" he said. i nodded and walked to her office. i walked down the hall and knocked on the door. i heard a come in so i opened the door.

"and why are you here?" she asked. "well, i got you some food cause i kinda knew you havent ate yet" i say. she raised an eyebrow and shook her head. "mako also told me you havent eaten yet." i said setting the bag down on her desk. i asked if i could sit in the chair and she told me yes, so i did. "are you gonna sit in here and watch me eat? if you are thats kinda weird and creepy" lin said taking the sandwich out of the bag. "no, i just came to drop off the food and maybe have a small conversation" i said. "theres nothing to talk about" "hm" i say thinking.

"hows kya doing?" lin asked. "oh, she was released already. her head was fine and she wanted to say bye to tenzin before she left." i say. "you know kya likes you?" i nod to her sentence. "she used to come in twice every other week just so she could see me" i say crossing my arms. "shes slick" i nod to agree.

"well, I'm gonna go home and rest" i say. "alright bye" she said. i waved and walked out of her office.

"how'd it go?" mako asked. "it was nothing special." i say. he shrugged and walked away.

i got into my car and went home.

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