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i leaned against the bar as we moved in the giant mecha tank. i found my way back to kuvira after i talked with su, lin, and opal. i told them i would be back after all this happened. did i talk with kuvira? yes i did. she thinks i betrayed her and i told her i didnt because i was captured by them. honestly, im not sure if i want to go back to working with the chief, or just the police in general. i like working for kuvira.

"theres a flying bison up ahead" the man said. "the avatar" kuvira said. kuvira used her bending to move the shifter of the tank so it came to a stop and turned around. she swung her arms and moved around, the tank followed her movements. her put her right arm out and put her left hand on her upper arm. i watched at the purple light glowed and fired at korra. she slightly hit them, making the bison loose its balance in the air. she aimed and fired at them again. they moved out the way in time and the blast hit a small mountain instead. "should we go after them? theyre going to warn republic city" i say. "let them." kuvira said putting her hands behind her back. "no one can stop us" she says smirking. she bent the shifter back forward, putting it on automatic pilot. kuvira stood walked over to me and leaned against the bar. "hopefully this goes as planned" she said sighing. "im sure it will. youre unstoppable at this point." i say looking at her. "i know." she says looking at me.

"question, would you date me?" kuvira asked. "do you want me to?" i ask letting out a small laugh. "yes" she said. "maybe" i say. i look past her to see the other guy looking at us. kuvira looked at him and she spoke. "say anything about this will be the last time you see the light of day" kuvira said. "yes maam" he said and turned around. "you didnt have to be that harsh, jeez" "oh well" she said. she leaned in to kiss me and i kissed her before she could get to my lips. she grabbed my hips and pulled me closer to her body. she pulled away, her hands still on my waist. "so? whats your answer?" she asked. "kuvira youre getting married soon" i say. "ok and? i want to be with you, not baatar" kuvira said letting go of me. "then my answer is yes." i say. she smiled and kissed me again.

"i guess were dating now?" kuvira asked. "yes" i nod smiling. do i care if shes cheating on baatar with me? absolutely not. baatar can happily suck my dick.


"its time" kuvira said. we stood in front of republic city, still in the mecha suit. the city had their army and we had ours.

"kuvira, this is president raiko. i order you to stand down" raiko said through the speaker phone. "turn your army around and leave." he said. "youre in no position to give orders." kuvira said. "stand down or we will attack." "i dont think you understand the power i possess. let me make it clear." she said. i watched as the arm of the suit lifted up and the left robotic arm and put it on the right. i watched the purple light glow and the blast flew through the city and hit one of general irohs ships. she made another blast, hitting the other ships. the canon then aimed down at the army.

"you have three seconds or i wipe out your army" kuvira said. "times up" i say. "stop. we surrender" president raiko said. "republic city is yours" raiko said. "good. turn your army and the avatar over to me and give baatar your location. he'll present you with our terms." kuvira said. "weve done it kuvira, and i just got word that president raiko is on air temple island. im heading there now." baatar said.

"everything going as planned?" i ask walking up to kuvira. "so far yes." she says. "good" i say grabbing her hand.

"kuvira, this is raiko. what kind of game are you playing? you told me you would baatar over with your terms, and then he doesnt show." raiko said over the phone. "what do you mean he didnt show?" she asked. "according to you people, hes not in the airship." "if hes not in the airship then where is he?" kuvira asked and the radio made a funky noise. "kuvira, its baatar" he said. "ive been captured. my airship was ambushed and i was taken by force. korra refuses to release me unless we back down and leave the city." baatar said. "are you injured?" i asked. "im fine." "is the avatar with you there now?" kuvira asked frowning. "yes. everyone is here" baatar says. kuvira held her hand up and bent the switch down with her two fingers. "found out where that raido signals coming from" she said looking over to the other guy sitting in the chair. "listen to me. if you try to take the republic city, the avatar will never let me see you again and i refuse to live that way." "i could care less" kuvira said under her breath, making me giggle. "forget the united republic. we have our empire. we have each other" baatar said. i watched as kuviras face from pissed off to upset. "lets go back home and get married. the only thing that matters is that were still together for the rest of out lives." baatar said. "weve identified their position" the guy said. "he will be fine kuvira. korra wont hurt him" i say. she looked at me and pecked my lips. "youre right, this city isnt worth sacrificing out life together. i love you, baatar. but your not mine." kuvira said.

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