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today was kataras funeral, and i felt terribly bad for everyone. Lin, Toph, Kya, Bumi, Tenzin, Ginora, Meelo, Ikki, Pema, Korra, And Zuko. i can sort of understand what they are going through right now. Kya and Bumi told me that Lin was close with Aang and Katara, which explains yesterday for the most part. i never got to meet Katara but it would've been a dying pleasure to.

i still don't know why I'm being invited to the funeral, i don't really have anything to do with this. I'm going to be supportive for everyone in case they need a shoulder to cry on.

i was currently sitting at the kitchen counter on one of the stools, sipping coffee and reading the newspaper. this used to be my daily routine. wake up, make coffee, read the newspaper, brush my hair and my teeth, get dressed, and go to work. but it got screwed up when Zaheer came into play. i blinked my eyes and focused back on the newspaper.

i didn't get the chance to propose yet. Lin has been staying home these past couple days and I've also been staying home to make sure shes okay and taken care of.

Lin was still sleeping, i hope. she did wake up throughout the night crying, which woke me up. i did what i could to calm her down and comfort her, helping her go back to sleep.

i noticed Lin walk by me and sit next to me. so she wasn't asleep?

"how'd you sleep?" i ask. "i slept fine, besides the numerous times i woke up during the night." she yawns. it was difficult to get her to stop crying, but i managed to get her to sleep everytime. i mean, i found out she absolutely loves back rubs and back scratches, but most of all, and face tracing. that shit used to make me knock out whenever my dad traced the features on my face as a kid. some people thought it was weird, but it's actually really calming.

"I'm not ready for today" Lin says. "i know, you gotta push through it. I'll be here if you need anything." i give her a reassuring smile. "i would hope so. Tenzin is probably going to give a speech." she says. "true" i respond. "you want some coffee? it'll wake you up a bit" i ask. she nods and smiles.

i got up from my seat and poured Lin a cup a coffee. "you want anything in it?" "however you make yours" she says. i nod and put in some creamer with some sugar. i gave her the cup and she tried it.

"not bad. i still like black coffee better" Lin chuckled. "you want me to make you that instead?" she shook her head and took another sip of the coffee.

i have never seen Lin drink any kind of coffee but black coffee. i have to have creamer in my coffee.

i check the time and it's 6:45am, we leave by 8am. the funeral last for 2 hours. and seeing the fact it was Katara who passed, Lins mother will most likely be there. i wanted to bring the thought up but didn't want to ruin the mood since its, you know, Toph were talking about. i shrug it off and sit next to Lin.

Lin was already almost done with the coffee and it's been about five minutes.

"I'm gonna go get dressed so we have time to go back to your house so you can get ready" i say standing up and stretching. Lin nodded and i pecked her lips then went to get dressed.

i rummaged through my closest to find something black to wear since its a funeral. i found some black pants with a black long sleeve button up shirt. i threw the clothes on my bed and got my boots out, setting them at the foot of the bed.

i put a black, tight fitting shirt on and then put the button up on, leaving it unbuttoned. i then put the pants on and my boots. i brushed out my hair and brushed my teeth. i walked to the kitchen and saw Lin standing by the door, ready to leave.

before i walked to the door i grabbed my pack of cigarettes. i haven't smoked in a while and I'll probably need it today.

"you look nice" she says. "thanks" i say. "we should get going" i nod and follow her out the door to my car. i sigh and start the car.

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