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today was the day and I'm terrified. i don't know what Lin is going to say. what if she says no? what will i do then? what if she doesn't give me an answer and just walks away? i sigh to myself and sat on the end of the bed. it was for in the morning and I'm already stressing out over this.

i felt the bed dip beside me and i looked over to see Lin sitting next to me, rubbing her eyes.

"what are you doing up so early?" she asked with a yawn.

"i couldn't sleep"

"is there a reason why you couldn't sleep?"

i shrug. "you can go back to bed, I'm gonna go sleep on the couch" i say standing up.

"the couch could make it worse, it's not that comfortable" Lin says.

"I'm still going to try." i walked out the room and closed the door. i sigh and open the door back up.

"you wanna come with or stay in here?" i ask, resting my arm on the door handle.

Lin stood there for a moment thinking, but eventually walked by me. i grabbed the blanket and a pillow from of the bed and walked to the living room.

i lied down on the couch and Lin layed on top of me. i wrapped my arms around her so she didn't fall off the couch anytime soon.

the two of us just lied there until sunrise. neither of us talked. we just enjoyed each others company in silence. here and there, Lin would move to find more comfort. which she found everytime.

"i gotta go to work soon." Lin said moving her head ask she was looking at me. i sighed and looked at the time. it was almost 6am, the usual time she wakes up.

"why have you been taking so many days off lately?" she asked. "because I've been busy taking care of someone. and the chief told me i could" i smile. she rolled her eyes and sat up to where she was straddling me.

"maybe the chief should've changed her mind" "nope, i like being here, not dealing with other people's problems" i say.

Lin looked down and noticed some of my tattoos. "i forgot you had tattoos. the ones that are unseeable atleast" she said lifting my shirt up, no further past my ribs.

"have you seen my new one yet?" i ask. she shook her head and i sat up, slithering out from under her. i turned around and lifted the back of my shirt up.

"damn, that's nice" she said.

she moved her hands away from my back and i turned to face her.

"you're pretty when your sleepy" Lin said.

i perk my eyebrow up and she just chuckled.

it was quiet for a moment until Lin's alarm started going off. she sighed and stood up, walking to the bedroom to turn the alarm off.

i leaned back against the couch and closed my eyes. its much comfortable sitting on a couch than laying on it.

i opened my eyes since i heard metal clank around, assuming Lin was already in her armor.

"well, I'm off to work" she said and i stood up.

"alright, I'll see you when you get back" i say. she smiled and i gave her a goodbye kiss. i watched as she walked out the door and closed it behind her. i sighed and sat back down on the couch.

it's boring without Lin here. i got no one to talk to, no one to make tea for.

an idea popped up in my head and i ran to the bedroom to get dressed.


"you're back!" Meelo yelled as he ran over to me. "i suppose so" i chuckle. he gave me a hug and pulled away.

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