IV. Omne Initium Difficile Est

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Omne Initium Difficile Est

Every Beginning is Difficult



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He thought he'd died.

Now, though...

He had not died.

Seated on a sandy beach, the former Light Hashira, Hikaru Shin, fixed his gaze intently on the rising sun that was visible across the blue ocean.

His expression alternates between confusion, anger, disappointment, and sadness at times, as if his mind is uncontrollably spinning its cogs and gears wildly.

He was supposed to be dead. Alongside them...

He had done what a Demon Slayer was supposed to do.

He had witnessed Muzan's death.

There is nothing but questions.

What brings him here? In excellent shape? How come he is still breathing? Is he able to stand? Could he talk?

Such inquiries probed the depths of his mind, weighing each and every potential explanation. 

That wouldn't matter anymore. Hikaru should give thanks to God for his survival, that is all he knows. He is grateful for his second chance at life, regardless of the reason behind it.

Resolving that pursuing answers will no longer be helpful, Hikaru slowly gets to his feet, having just begun to acclimate to his restored body. His haori quickly appeared to be fixed, as if nothing had happened to it. Tucked into its sheath around his waist was his Nichirin Blade. A square-shaped object was felt inside of his clothing just as he was about to take his first step. He took it out and grinned at the object.

That was his Bible.

He gave a brief nod of gratitude as he put it back inside of his clothing and starts to look around.

"All right. First things first, where am I?"

Merely listening to the waves lapping against the sands and rocks, while scanning the deserted shores. Hikaru pivoted and strolled along the coastline. Wondering anxiously if the people were speaking the same language as his or not, Hikaru hadn't seen a single soul for the last fifteen minutes.

That made him dejected, but just as he was about to give up, he happened to spot a rough road that leads away from the coast.

Hikaru follows the road for five minutes, trekking , and as the sun starts to show itself, Hikaru can feel the heat slowly touching his skin. But his patience paid off as he saw a small village at the end of the road.

"Civilization, finally." Hikaru laughed quietly.

Moving forward, Hikaru saw the name of the village.

"Sumire..." He uttered the name. "So, they are Japanese?"

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