XV. Semper Fall

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Semper Fall

Forever Fall



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The next day, Professor Glynda Goodwitch, along with her class are taking them to the forest with red leaves and sturdy, gray trunks. He, and the rest of his fellow slayers gaped at the sight of the familiar scenery of the forest they once trekked during their Final Selection. Hikaru smiled at the memory as Glynda leads the class through it.

It's the Forest of Forever Fall.

"Yes, students,  the forest of Forever Fall in indeed beautiful. But we are not here to sight-see." Glynda reminded them.

Peering to his left, Hikaru can recognize Uzui and Rengoku both talks positively about the activity they're gonna do today. Tomioka simply admires the falling red leaves and the view of the entirety of it.

Glynda took a halt, the class follows her along as she turns around and claps her hand.

"We're here, students. Now, all you have to do is to find and collect samples from the trees deep inside this forest. If you were aware with the studies you took with Professor Peach about the trees here-" Glynda gestured to one of the trees next to her. "-then you could finish your gathering in a faster way possible. I will give you a good two hours to fill your jars, but watch out for the creatures of Grimm that may lurk around here. Have fun!"

Nora blissfully rushed to the tree next to her and started her work, much to her team's amusement. Ruby and her group went to the farther side where they can pick some of the good trees and place each jars on there, so that they can cover them with ease. In Hikaru's case, luckily they found a small hill where the much younger trees can be harvested of their sap. Grabbing four jars, they placed it underneath the holes they poked through as the thick, golden, sweet sap oozed.

"Well..." He pitapats his hands as he gently placed down one full jar on the ground, smiling. "-I already got three full jars." He commented before he turns around. "What about you guys?"

Rengoku laughs as he easily carried three jars in his arms, already content on what he'd gathered. "Three jars are fine for me, Hikaru."

Tomioka hums in agreement as he watched the gooey sap fall onto the jar, making this his second jar to be full. "Got two. Three jars to go."

Uzui just leaned behind the tree as he waits for his final jar to be filled. "This is quite relaxing I must say. But to taste this? I'm sure that this sap must and will not be eaten by Nora." The group nodded in acknowledgement.

Another couple of minutes later and all of their jars are finished. With a metal cart, they placed it there and counted it.

"-fourteen... fifteen!" Hikaru counted. "That's it, we got fifteen jars of sap!" 

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