XIV. Facta, Non Verba

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Facta, Non Verba

Deeds, not Words



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After the cafeteria fiasco, the three teams finishes their meal as Professor's Oobleck's class is next.

The students merely listened to what Doctor Oobleck's been saying, either they were pretending to, or trying their hardest to understand the Doctor's rapid bursts of words. Sipping his coffee from his personal mug, Doctor Oobleck continuesly zooms left and right, telling his students the topic about the start of the Faunus Rights Revolution.

Sitting in their perspective rows, Teams JNPR, RWBY, and RUST, all pans their head side to side, trying their best not to get dizzy with the Doctor's hyperactive class.

"Yes, yes! Prior to the Faunus Rights Revolution --ore properly known as the Faunus War-- humankind was quite, quite adamant about centralizing the Faunus population in Menagerie." The Doctor stated as he uses his stick to point out the island of Menagerie at the world map.

"Now! While this must feel like ancient history to many of you, it is imperative to remember that these are relatively recent events! Why, the repercussions of the uprising can be still seen up to this day!" He stated, taking a small sip on his mug as he zooms to the left.

"Speaking of repercussions! Have any among you have been subjugated or discriminated because of your Faunus heritage?"

Hikaru scans the class as some raises their hands. Velvrt shyly raises hers while he caught a glimpse of Blake nearly raising hers, but she quickly ignores this, wincing.

Hikaru narrows his eyes at her mayhaps suspicious action. Glancing to his teammates, it seems that they've noticed it, too.

The Doctor shakes his head.

"Dreadful! Simply dreadful! Remember, students, it is precisely this kind of ignorance that breeds violence! I mean-- just look at what happened at the White Fang!"

And their suspicions were correct as Blake's yellow eyes flinched when the Doctor mentions the White Fang. Because of this, Rengoku leans in, whispering.

"Do you think she's a part of the White Fang?"

Hikaru dismisses this.

"I don't want to jump into blank conclusions that might hurt her. But if she really is..." He silenly glances at Blake before he shakes his head.

Rengoku leans back, dropping the topic. "I see... It would rather destroy her team, especially Weiss'."

The lecture continues to when a subtle verbal jab from Cardin to Jaune was backfired by Pyrrha and Blake. This causes a lot of 'oohs' from the rest of the class before Doctor Oobleck finally interfered, calling both Jaune and Cardin.

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