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I wake up in a startle. Sweat pours down my face. My hands shake. That nightmare. Over and over again as nights come and go, I can still dream of it. Why am I dreaming of such horrible nightmares? The war is over. Lord Mictlan is dead. My father is alive. Maya is alive and well. 

Maya... I knew she would defeat Lord Mictlan. From the day I first laid eyes on her I saw a warrior. I saw someone strong and honorable unlike my...previous girlfriend. Acat was a mistake. She had no honor. She was also a mistake. I did know it. Maya... she's beautiful. She's strong. And so so determined. 

It seems that I don't deserve her know that I'm realizing it. The bat is the symbol of evil and the most diabolical of all animals. She's an eagle. I'm the shadow of a bat. I worked for Lord Mictlan all my life. For eighteen years. Why do I deserve this? I only fell in love with her since that day I brought her news of her brother's death. That wasn't an honorable move on my part, and I have regretted that for days. 

Maya has fought her way through thick and thin. She definitely deserves to be the grand eagle warrior. She has fought against all gods and united the four clans. Teca. The Jungle Clan. The Golden Mountain Clan. Luna Island. She's the embodiment of hope and even the sun. So... what does that make me?

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