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"Ah, don't listen to Abush. Sometimes she can be a little...crazy." Maya says.

"She helped us once before." I turn.

Am I really evil? Am I really a monster? I don't know... I don't know. She holds my hand tightly. I look at her.

"You're not evil Zatz." She says.

"How can you be so sure?" I ask. 

She pulls my head in towards her.  Her eyes look so beautiful and transact the sun. 

"Because you helped us stop Lord Mictlan." She says.

I nod. It's a little reassuring, but I need to talk to my father. Should I tell her Queen Teca doesn't approve of me? Should I tell her about the nightmares that only get worse and worse? Should I tell her I feel like I'm breaking?

"Your mother doesn't approve of me." I finally say.

"What? Why??" She looks at me. 

"I did try to bring you to my father to be sacrificed, and I was working with Lord Mictlan." I say.

She grabs my arm.

"You're perfect for me. I don't care if anyone thinks you're not right for me." She says.

I nod. 

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