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I walk through the halls of Teca. These walls are so unfamiliar. It's like a maze that confines me. I can't even find Maya's room here. It's even hard to find my room. These walls were made of gold and precious metals. This place is beautiful. Do I even belong here?

"Zatz, my boy. There you are!" I hear.

I turn.

"Oh. Father." I say.

"Come sit. Have some breakfast my boy." He says.

I nod. I walk down. I sit next to him.

"Must be a big change from what your used to." He says.

"Right..." I look away.

"Mi nino, what is wrong?" He looks at me. 

"Nothing. I'm fine." I say.

"Have some breakfast nino." He hands me a plate.

"I'm not hungry." I say.

"Then something is wrong." He says.

I look at him in surprise.

"Nothing is wrong." I say. 

"Then eat something nino. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day." He says.

I roll my eye.

"Fine." I say taking a piece of bread.

"Bad dreams again?" He puts his hand on my shoulder.

I look at him surprised. I look down.

"Ah. I knew it. It'll be alright mi nino. The dreams will pass." He says.

I nod. 

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