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"Check it out ya'll. I've been improving my baking." Rico hands us each a cookie.

"Wow. You made these?" I ask. 

I take one. They were shaped like little moons and suns.

"Yeah. Estephan helped." He says.

Estephan nodded. I take a bit.

"Pichu think these cookies are good." Pichu says.

"These are amazing Rico." I say.

"That's my human." Chimi and Rico kisses.

I look at them and smile.

"Speaking of this, where's the bat prince?" Rico asks.

Chimi glares at Rico.  

"He'll be here, I think." I turn.

"Pichu think that bat prince is a loose." Pichu says.

"A what?" I ask.

"He's avoiding you." He points at me.

I look at him surprised. 

"Why? Why would he do that?" I ask.

Chimi and Rico glare at Pichu. Chimi slightly growls. 

"I mean no. He probably not." Pichu corrects.

"What did I probably not?" I hear Zatz fly down.

"Nothing." I walk over.

"What did I miss?" He asks. 

"Rico just baked amazing cookies." Chimi answers.

"They good." Pichu takes a mouthful of cookies.

"Do you want to try one?" Rico asks.

"Maybe later." He says.

I take his hand. He smiles at me.

"Come on and sit." I say.

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