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I feel like I'm breaking. My mind is shattering. I feel a darkness rising up from me. I feel an evil surrounding me. The shadows grip and strangle me. I feel like I'm losing my mind. I grip my head as I pace around. What does my father know? He knows something about my so-called destiny, but what?

I sit down and suck in the morning air. A warm calmness fills my body. I'm not really evil. Am I? I did try to bring Maya to my father so he can sacrifice her. What was I thinking about that? I'm starting to question every decision I ever made. Was I right to just join Maya's group? What if I didn't? Would everything have been fine if I didn't? Why did I not help Maya more? I just stayed back being held by Lord Mictlan. I didn't even try to fight.

"There you are Zatz. I was looking for you." Maya says.

I look up at her.

"What's wrong mi principe?" She asks. 

"Nothing. I'm just.... I'm just..." I start. 

I let out a breath. I honestly have no idea what to tell her at this point. 

"I feel like I'm losing it." I admit.

"What? Why are you saying that?" She asks.

"Do you believe in destiny?" I ask her.

"Eh. Not really. If it is to be, it is up to me." She says.

I look down. My father used to teach me that destiny is written before everyone. Everyone has a destiny. Yet, it's our choice to follow it. Maya taught me that I can always fight destiny. Yet... is my destiny to bring about the end of the world? I don't know.

"Hey," She pulls my head in to her. 

I look at her. How is she still so beautiful? 

"It'll work out." She smiles.

I hear something behind me. I spin around and I grab an arrow flying right at me. 

քʀɨռƈɛ օʄ ɖǟʀӄռɛֆֆDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora