Another day, a new level

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The next day, Peter was awakened by a rather loud beeping. Almost all sounds were loud to Peter due to his spider senses but this one aggravated him the most coming so early in the morning. Reaching over to his bedside table, he grabbed the alarm clock and (unintentionally) crumbled it in his palm. 'Aw man...' he thought to himself realising what he'd just done. Having super strength tended to be a blessing and a curse at times and he did not need another lecture from Tony to 'be careful' when using his powers. 

Forcing himself to get up, he tried to see what the remaining pieces of the alarm clock had said the time was. It was 8:12 am. 

"Holy shit school!" He said out loud to himself. 

He ran around his room, getting his clothes on and packing his school bag before racing out the door. He struggled to hop on one foot, trying to tie his shoelaces and was met with his family of superheroes eating breakfast at the Kitchen island.

"Mornin' Kid, want some cereal?" Tony said holding out a bowl full of cereal in one hand and a half eaten piece of toast in the other.

"No thanks! See ya!" Peter yelled as he skidded to a halt outside the elevator and ran in as soon as the doors opened. He then disappeared leaving the others to eat their breakfast in uncomfortable silence. Tony turned to his team and shrugged.

"Kids these days." He sighed.

"God you sound as old as Steve" Nat said eating a waffle with her bear hands.

"Hey!" Steve said looking very offended but Nat didn't care and continued to eat her waffle.

The day went by pretty quick when Peter thought about it. Flash had hardly called him 'Penis Parker' today, he and Ned geeked out over the fact that he met The Loki and his classes had gone by faster than he expected. Things were looking good, until all hell broke loose when he arrived back at the tower.

When the elevator doors opened, Peter could hear the screams of Tony and Steve. By the looks of things, they had initiated a 'who is stronger' contest and where currently in the middle of an arm wrestling match with bets being taken by all members of the team, including Sam and Bucky who hardly ever came out of the gym. Peter, not sure on what to do, just walked around the scene completely unnoticed by the rest. He made his way over to the family room in hopes to get away from the loudness and was surprised when he once again came face to face with the God of Mischief.

Peter smiled at the God, he was never scared of Loki even when being told of his actions in New York. He knew that there was good in everyone and that Loki was just a misunderstood guy.

Loki had spent his day wondering about the spider child. He tried his best not to, but being surrounded by some of the dullest people he'd ever encountered in all his lifetime made it difficult. Wanting to stop himself from getting too involved with the boy, he tried his best not to overthink their interaction. Clearly this child was trying to humiliate him in front of Stark somehow, but he couldn't help remember the kind smile that Peter had gave him. It was so genuine and pure that Loki almost felt the warmth coming of it, almost as if kindness radiated off Peter himself. He had been so wrapped up in his thoughts that he barely noticed the time. It was late in the afternoon now which meant that the spider-boy would be back from Midgardian education soon. Loki was almost looking forward to it but he tried to keep a straight face and look as if he was busy with something as to not give himself away.

Peter walked over again towards Loki, he was still unafraid of the practically immortal being before him.

"Hey Mr.Loki! It's me Peter from yesterday remember?" He said with a smile, he was a little nervous that the God wouldn't remember a puny mortal such as him but was proven wrong when the God looked him in the eye and grinned.

Loki and Peter Parker, an unlikely friendshipWhere stories live. Discover now