Avengers Day Pt. 2

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Peter was practically hopping as he walked around the stalls. He, Ned and Mj had met up for coffee and were now inside the Avengers convention or as they called it, 'Avengers-Con!' Ned was dressed in a cheap looking Thor costume with a metal feathered helmet and a blond wig attached. He also had a fake Mjölnir hung at his side on his belt, Peter had offered to make it look more realistic but Ned refused. Mj, surprisingly, agreed to wear a costume too but only that of her personal hero, Black Widow, and she rocked it! 

The event was taking place at the Tower but only on the lower levels which meant that the staff recognised Peter but were too busy with the visitors to engage in conversation with him. Both Ned and Mj knew he lived at the Tower part time but Peter didn't like to talk about that stuff which they both understood, so they left it alone.

"Guys! Guys! Come see! Oh and look at this-! Ooo check this out-!" Peter started to ramble as he was distracted by everything he saw; he couldn't help it, everything looked so cool!

Peter was now more excited than ever to drag his friends around the stands and stalls that had been set up. His goofy smile shone with every single piece of Avengers merchandise that he saw. Comic books, pictures, figurines, costumes were everywhere and Peter practically bought one of each from every single stand. Ned bought plenty of custom made Avengers Lego sets and Mj bought a worrying amount of phoney weapons that could still be dangerous. Peter even felt the need to back away from her slightly when she started to walk around ominously with a bag full of weapons. He was down right scared of her.

All three of them climbed into the jam-packed elevator and ascended to the next floor, this floor had all  the Avengers already as the floor was called the 'autographs floor.' Peter was most excited about this floor. Even though he already knew all the Avengers personally, he still liked to fan girl about them and the fact that they were superheroes. This was now the perfect opportunity to be one-with-the-crowd as everyone around them was fan-girling too. The doors opened and out poured the crammed fans that were stuck in the elevator together, each one of them ran in different directions to get an autograph and Peter almost laughed at their stupidity. Granted, if he didn't know the Avengers originally he would have definitely acted the same but still, even the adults were behaving like animals.

"Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God! Peter! This is it! I'm actually going to meet the AVENGERS!!! This is so awesome! I feel like I'm gonna be sick already!" Ned said so fast that he mumbles somewhat. 

His face lit up as he saw the posters of each Avenger hanging from the ceiling and the endless queue of people that stretched down the hallway. They could both hear the slight screams and gasps of fans as they met their heroes. Mj looked moderately taken aback for a few seconds but resumed her poker face shortly after.

"Calm down, loser." She says briefly and starts to walk away from both Peter and Ned.

"How does she expect me to be calm!? I'm literally having a heart attack just thinking about meeting Thor. Oh! And Tony Stark. Oh! And-" Ned started, about to list every single one of the Avengers as he admired them all. Peter quickly noticed Mj getting further away from them and swiftly cut him off before they lost her to the crowds of people.

"Hey Mj! Wait up!" Peter called to her as they both jogged to catch up.

After exploring the floor, they each agreed to go their separate ways to find their favourite heroes and get a signed autograph. Mj walked off towards the Black Widow queue and Ned waved as he practically ran towards the Thor queue. Peter himself wasn't sure who to go to first, he loved each of the Avengers like family but that didn't help him decide who to queue up for. Then it hit him like a brick to the head, where was Loki?

Loki had been given a long list of rules to follow for this event, it mostly included him not being allowed to perform magic in case he freaked people out. It also meant that he was kept in a secluded corner of the 'autographs floor.' He didn't expect anyone to ask him for an autograph anyway but still, to be shunned to the sidelines like a player not needed on his team infuriated Loki. If they didn't want him to be seen then why force him to attend in the first place? What's worse was that they had two S.H.I.E.L.D agents stand near his desk to watch him like he was a child. 

 He sighed and grit his teeth in jealousy as he watched dozens of fans drool over his brother, begging for a signed photograph with their name on it. Why he was jealous about Thor getting all the attention was obvious to anyone who knew him. Loki was used to it at this point in his life, watching his brother get all the affection but still Loki longed to be treated like that, just once by someone who understood him. However he didn't let himself be consumed with childish hopes as he glanced at the hoard of fans swarming Thor rather rudely. 'How ungrateful." Loki thought to himself as he flicked his pen up and down his desk, watching it roll away and then back towards him. Clearly he was bored out of his mind and was desperate for something interesting to happen. He thought of Peter and began to wonder where he was, after all he was the only reason Loki hadn't got up and left yet as he was waiting for him. To do what, he didn't know, he just knew that whatever Peter felt like doing that day  would certainly be more entertaining than this. So he stayed, waiting and watching till Peter would come save him from his boredom.

Hey guys, guess what? We hit over 400 views! Thank you all so so so much and thank you for keeping me motivated to write these. This is, yet again, another cliffhanger 😈 I'm sorry I keep doing this but there Will be a part 3 so watch out for it. Anyway byeeeeee

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