May meets Loki

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Peter woke up to see Loki sleeping in a chair next to him, he thought back to the 'events' of yesterday and immediately felt embarrassed that Loki had put him to sleep. The more he remembered the day before, the more he felt guilty about all the things that the boy said. Peter tried not to dwell on it and so he rose from his bed and went to get changed into clean clothes; he was still wearing the Spider-Man suit from before.

When Peter was done, he left Loki so he could keep sleeping and went to the kitchen to find Tony drinking coffee at the kitchen counter. His stomach dropped for a moment knowing that Tony had been there when he was called out at Avengers con but Peter pushed the feeling down and walked up to him. 

Tony sipped at his coffee before he saw Peter walking up to him out of the corner of his eye. He lowered his mug and smiled at Peter. Tony had been worrying about him since he disappeared at Avengers con but when he walked into Peter's room that night to see him and Loki asleep, he decided to leave them to rest. He was too distracted during the event, when he was screaming at the boy, to notice that the both of them had disappeared. None of the other Avengers had seen the two of them as they were also busy threatening the little punk. 

"Hey Pete, how you doin'? You alright." Tony asked taking his other hand and placing it on Peter's shoulder. Peter smiled slightly and nodded.

"Yeah I'm fine, thanks Mr. Stark." Peter replied trying to avoid the conversation.

"Ok good, do you want some breakfast?" Tony asked trying to lighten the mood.

Peter nodded again and Tony walked to the fridge and pulled out a carton of eggs. He put his coffee down and put a pan on the stove, turning it on. He then cracked the eggs and let them sizzle whilst Peter sat down at the kitchen island. Just then, Natasha and Clint came in and sat down next to him. 

"Morning ребенок-паук (baby spider), you feeling better?" Nat asked patting Peter's back slightly. 

"I'm good, thanks Aunt Nat." Peter said smiling at her, she smiled back and started to talk to Clint.

As if on cue, the other Avengers came tumbling into the kitchen and immediately asked Peter, one by one, if he was ok. Peter simply nodded and smiled as he repeated that he was 'ok'. They soon dropped it and began to talk about other things which somehow lead to Clint and Pietro betting on who would win on Mario Cart. Peter started to feel better and graciously accepted the eggs on toast that Tony had cooked for him, along with the orange juice that Steve poured out. Any current memories about the day before were soon forgotten as Peter just watched his dysfunctional family eating breakfast.

Loki felt himself be slowly awakened by nothing in particular. He pulled himself up in the chair he was sitting on and squinted as his eyes tried to recognise where he was. He saw the familiar sight of Peter's bedroom and quickly remembered why he was there. He moved his gaze onto the bed to see that it was empty yet the door was open. 'Peter must have left already.'  He told himself as he stiffly stood from the chair, he was not in the most comfortable position last night when he fell asleep yet he stayed by Peter's side.

A quick flick of the hand and a green light cloaked him within seconds before disappearing, leaving Loki looking good as new. He made his way to the kitchen, knowing it was where the majority of the Avengers started their day, and saw exactly what he expected. His idiotic brother scarfing down Midgardian treats called 'pop-tarts', the tin man and his patriotic friend bickering as usual, the man behind the green beast exchanging pleasantries with the red-headed assassin and the rest watching the bird/man child and the silver looking wannabe playing an electronic racing machine.

Loki and Peter Parker, an unlikely friendshipWhere stories live. Discover now