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It had been three days since Loki and Thor were asked to return to Asgard. Mr. Stark had been talking with Fury over the missions that both Thor and Loki would be missing and then talking with Aunt May about her overprotective safety concerns for Peter's journey (which took a lot of convincing to get her to agree to). So now Peter was sat in his and May's apartment, packing in anticipation for the trip with Mj and Ned helping -well watching- him pack his stuff.

"Dude, do you think there's oxygen in Asgard? I mean it's just a floating rock in space!" Ned suddenly asked from where he was sat on Peter's bed. Peter looked down or rather up from where he was sat on the ceiling, and furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. He hadn't considered the fact Asgard wasn't an actual planet and so it probably had no atmosphere for him to breathe. Peter slowly began to panic and was about to speak when Mj spoke up from her place on his desk chair where she was drawing in her notebook.

"Asgard was built with magic loser, it doesn't need an atmosphere for its oxygen." She replied unbothered.

Peter sighed a breath of relief and stood on the ceiling, he then flipped off it with the bag of Spider-Man gear still in his hands. He put his bag on the bed next to Ned and turned to face them both.

"Ok, how about this one." Peter said and then bowed for the fifth time that day, half bent over with his right arm facing outward and the other holding his heart whilst his head was bowed down too. Mj glimpsed at Peter's bow and rolled her eyes whereas Ned cringed. When Peter looked back up he quickly smiled at him and put his thumbs up in support. Mj, however, had no fear of telling the truth no matter what.

"Your postures too loose for meeting royalty nerd, you look like a clown from the circus." She told him with no hints of regret, Peter pouted at this and went back to packing his suitcase.

Peter was now waiting in the Avengers family room for Thor and Loki. His emotions were a mixture of excitement and nervousness that resulted in multiple butterflies swirling around his stomach. He was holding one suitcase in his hands, grasping the handle tightly to try and convince himself that this was really happening, he was actually going to fricken' Asgard! Tony was also there, holding Peter's shoulder where his backpack straps dangled loosely off of his arms and wearing his signature sunglasses and suit like he did everyday. Thor and Loki then both emerged from the elevator, Thor with his usual toothy grin and Loki rolling his eyes in exasperation like every other time he would see his brother wearing a goofy smile.

"Ah young Peter! Prepared for our quest to Asgard I see!" Thor noticed with his grin as he walked up to Peter. Peter nodded sheepishly and turned to look at Loki.

"Yes, well, we best be off." Loki hurriedly said forcing his best smile but Peter could see right through him. It was the fear in Loki's eyes that gave him away. Loki was as nervous as Peter was. Peter walked up to Loki and held his arm comfortingly.

"Hey, it's gonna be ok, promise." Peter reassured him. Loki smiled genuinely at Peter and nodded as a sign that he was thankful for Peter's help. The three of them stood side by side and faced Tony.

"Remember. Three days and that's it. If anything happens to Peter-" He started to lecture before Loki cut him off.

"-Then you will reign hell fire on the both of us, yes I remember." Loki recited from the many lectures he had endured from Tony before making Peter giggle under his breath. Tony simply nodded and lowered his glasses to wink at Peter with a grin, Peter grinned back and waved as Thor raised his mighty hammer into the air.

"Heimdall!" He yelled and the last thing Peter thought was 'Heimdall?' before blinding lights surrounded all three of them. The multicoloured lights seemed to swallow Peter as he was soon pulled into the air, being pulled weightlessly like an astronaut in zero gravity. Thor and Loki slightly behind him as blurry beams of light blocked his vision. Through the beams, he could see stars, plants, entires galaxies with his own two eyes. 

"Wow." He said as the lights got brighter and Peter was forced to shield his face. The next thing he knew, the lights had disappeared and Peter was spit out onto a solid surface that Peter was unprepared for. He stumbled over his own feet as the sudden feeling of gravity pulled him done, forcing him to face plant onto the cold floor. He could hear the loud 'thud' he made echo in the room -or at least what must have been a room- around him.

"Ow." He said once he hit the floor and what followed was a hearty laugh that Peter didn't recognise.

"Ha ha! For one who has incredible sense of their surroundings, I must say you are quite prone to injury, young one." A deep voice that vibrated the floor said as heavy metal footsteps could be heard walking closer to Peter. He sat up and saw a dark-skinned man with dazzling golden eyes and gleaming gold armour holding a broad sword in his hands. He held out a hand for Peter to take which Peter took gratefully. The man pulled Peter up with ease and smiled down at him which Peter returned, his senses weren't tingling so the man wasn't a threat.

"Thanks Mr. umm?" Peter asked.

"Heimdall." He introduced himself with an handshake and it clicked for Peter that this was who Thor had called out to before they departed. Just then both Thor and Loki were brought in through the bright lights from a circular doorway in the golden room that Peter had landed in. Thor smiled when he saw Heimdall and Loki looked mildly pleased to see him too as both of them walked up to both Peter and Heimdall.

"Heimdall! Old friend, glad to see you once again." Thor said as he slapped his hand on Heimdall's shoulder but he didn't even flinch, he just smiled at Thor.

"As am I. Loki, I see you are doing well." Heimdall said announcing Loki who nodded with a polite smile.

"Don't you always." Loki replied mischievously which made Peter giggle. 

"I see you have become acquainted with young Peter." Loki then said turning to Peter who was stood next to Heimdall with a smile on his face.

"Yes we have and now I believe he will be meeting the all-father?" Heimdall asked which made Peter's excitement increase even more than it already was.

"Yes, we shall be taking him to the palace." Loki answered which caused Peter to rock back and fourth on his heels in anticipation.

Heimdall nodded and then turned to Peter. "Well then Peter Parker, I welcome you to Asgard." 

Hi again😅, sorry this has been late but it was my birthday yesterday🥳 so I was busy with friends and family last week and didn't have time to write this story😔. But I have a clear schedule for now so I will be writing sooner. Anyway byeeeeeeee

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07 ⏰

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Loki and Peter Parker, an unlikely friendshipWhere stories live. Discover now