Peter's...Day Of Birth Pt. 3

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Tony knew that the only was to get Peter to agree to a birthday party was to play into his need-to-please people, not to mention his huge, naive heart that always wants to help others. As much as Tony loved the kid, he knew how much helping people meant to Peter. He almost felt guilty about using it against him, but desperate times called for desperate measures.

Just as Peter was finally leaving the hell-hole known as school, his phone rang with the ringtone from that one vine 'you are my daaaaaad~ you're my dad! Boogie woogie woogie!.Who else would that belong to but Tony Stark. The ringtone was a prank pulled by Loki who downloaded it onto Peter's phone ages ago but by now Peter had forgotten to delete it so he kept it as a joke. He took it out and hung up, he felt bad but he suspected that Mr. Stark had figured out that it was his birthday, so he avoided his calls to keep himself from embarrassment.

But he rang again...                                                                                                    And again...                                                                                                                And again, and again, and again. Until eventually Peter gave in and answered, he was starting to get slightly concerned as Mr. Stark would normally give up at this point. He let out a small sigh and held the phone up to his ear.

"Hey Mr. Stark!" He said enthusiastically, he didn't want to sound moody over the phone.

"Pete! Thank god I got through to ya. Listen I need your help ASAP." Tony replied from the other end, he was slightly out of breath by the sound of it and his voice sounded rushed like he was running or something.

"I-is everything ok?" Peter asked, he stuttered as he was starting to get worried.

"Well, not for much longer. Just, can you swing by the Tower? Kinda need ya hear Underoos." Tony asked, his voice was shaky and his breathing still sounded like he was panting.

"Of course, yeah, um d-do I need the suit?" Peter asked, he ran a hand through his hair in panic and looked around to make sure no one was listening.

"No, no just get here and fast." Tony said in a hurry.

"Got it, I'm on my way Mr. Stark" Peter replied. 

He hung up and quickly put his phone in his pocket as he ran from school to find a nearby alley. Peter decided that if Mr. Stark needed him that desperately, than the best way to get to the Tower would be his web shooters. He reached into his bag and grabbed his mask, there was no time to put on his suit. He stretched out his wrists and pressed on his palm, suddenly his web shooters popped out from his bracelets. Mr. Stark made them for Peter in case he needed them for emergencies and this sounded like the perfect opportunity to use them.

He took in a shaky breath and held out his wrists to the sky, he pressed down on the triggers and a web shot out. Before he knew it, Peter was flying across the sky, swinging left and right past cars and buildings on his way to the Avengers Tower.

Tony grinned, his plan mixed with his flair for acting had worked and now Peter was on his way. He walked into the family room; most of the guests had arrived and were gathered in waiting. Scott and Hope had come together, T'Challa and Shuri had flown in as well, Dr. Strange and his second hand, Wong, had portalled in. Fury had heard about the party and decided to invite Captain Marvel (without letting anyone know of course) and apparently the Guardians of the Galaxy were too busy to attend but that didn't really bother Tony.

Loki and Peter Parker, an unlikely friendshipحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن