It's a Nine!!!

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Peter's day went like every other day; he woke up, went to school, got teased by Flash, talked with Ned and Mj, finished school and was on his way back to Stark Tower. Nothing was out of the ordinary so Peter was looking forward to just going back to his part-time home and relaxing, maybe even get some homework done before going out on patrol.

The car that Happy was driving stopped outside the tower and so Peter grabbed his bag before opening the car door. 

"Thanks Happy, see ya later!" He said whilst getting out the car.

"Later kid." Happy replied before driving away.

Peter walked into the tower and made his way towards the elevator, the doors opened after a few seconds of waiting and Peter stepped in; he pressed the button for the Penthouse and waited patiently as the elevator made its way upwards.

Once the elevator stopped with a 'ding', Peter walked out. He made his way to his bedroom and passed the living room, expecting it to be empty as most of the Avengers were supposed to be attending a S.H.I.E.L.D meeting with Nick Fury. However, to Peter's surprise, Loki was there, sitting almost menacing in a secluded corner of the room, a dagger twirling around his fingers. He seemed to be staring at something straight ahead yet it didn't exist; it was kind of intimidating but Peter knew better, he knew that it must be because something had upset Loki.

'Something must be wrong with Mr.Loki,' Peter thought to himself as he calmly approached Loki,  he had learned how to comfort him by now and was well aware on how to handle these types of situations. He took in a breath and put on a concerned smile as he stepped next to Loki's chair.

"Hey Mr.Loki, what's the number for today?" Peter asked, Loki was unfazed and remained still, his gaze stayed focused on whatever he was looking at and Peter started to get concerned.

Suddenly Loki stood from his chair, dagger grasped in his hand and his eyes locked on Peter's. Peter could see the anger and pure rage that enveloped them, Loki's jaw was clenched and a vain on his forehead looked like it was about to pop. 

"NINE." Was all Loki said. 

In the blink of an eye, Loki launched his dagger towards the ceiling. It punctured its way through the brick and got lodged in between the wires that sparked at the damage. Loki then angrily strode out the room as if nothing happened, leaving Peter in shock.

'What the-?' Peter questioned in his head. He was conflicted between retrieving the dagger or following Loki to see what was going on, he of course chose the latter in concern for his friend and left the living room in pursuit of the angered God.

Later that day, Tony came back from the meeting to find his very expensive ceiling damaged with a dagger left plunged in it. He was extremely mad.

Sorry this was late😔.Hope everyone had a good holiday though 😁. Also thank you @Nina87230022 for the inspiration, it really helped me start another chapter and to @zozow111 I will be adding more Wanda scenes to these stories so I hope you guys will enjoy them. Anddddddd... WE HIT 2K VIEWS!!!🤯. Thank you guys sooooo much for the support and comments, they really make me happy and I appreciate them very much. Anyway byeeeeeeee.

Loki and Peter Parker, an unlikely friendshipWhere stories live. Discover now