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As much as Peter hated to admit it, he knew nothing about Loki's powers. Obviously he knew that Loki was a God and therefore immortal but he never thought to ask about what else he could do. Being the God of Mischief, he assumed that Loki had some sort of ability to play tricks on people like mind control or something. Peter was very curious as to what Loki could do, but didn't want to offend him by asking in case it was a sensitive subject.

Mr Stark had never let Loki on any missions with the Avengers so far, he didn't trust him. Peter knew what that felt like as Mr Stark also didn't let him go on missions, it was always 'too dangerous' for him to tag along. This often left Peter and Loki time to themselves and they spent it hanging out as much as they could. The one thing they never did during their hangouts though was patrol. 

Peter often went on patrol by himself as Spider-Man. The friendly neighbourhood hero that looked out for the little guy. But when the opportunity came to go on patrol with his new friend, Peter just couldn't refuse.

Peter had just came back home from school, he didn't have any homework to do and May was working the night shift so he had the entire afternoon to go Spider-manning. He went to his room and got dressed, pulling the Stark suit up over his body and then putting on his mask. A familiar voice greeted him.

"Hello Peter, ready for patrol?" Karen asked. 

The A.I that Mr Stark had downloaded in his suit was more like a patrol buddy that Peter could talk to, kinda like Ned being his 'guy in the chair' and talking to him in his ear. Karen helped Peter out on patrol when he was in need of it and Peter was very thankful for it, she had saved his life more times than he could count.

"Hey Karen! Yep let's go!" Peter said.

He jumped out his bedroom window and swung through the streets of Queens. The adrenaline pulsing through his veins and the blood rushing to his head as he flipped forward picking up speed as he practically flew across the sky. 

"Any radio chatter tonight Karen?" Peter asked, he hadn't seen any crime so far and wanted to know where to look for it.

"I see no current criminal activities being reported Peter. Should I widen my search?" Karen asked him as he landed on top of one of the tallest skyscrapers in New York.

"Yeah, sure, go ahead" Peter said looking over the city.

He spotted the Avengers tower in all its glory and wondered what they're all up to. Mr Stark had told him earlier that week that most of the Avengers would be busy on a mission somewhere in Eastern Europe, he didn't know where but apparently it was another 'dangerous' mission that he wasn't invited to join. He was a little disappointed but had gotten used to it at this point.

'Wonder who's at the tower' he thought to himself, surely it was harmless to go check if anyone was home.

He gave in to his curiosity and swung into the direction of the tower and landed gracefully onto one of the windows, that was 16 stories high, with a gentle 'thud'. He peered inside and saw someone reading a book on the couch.

Loki had been sitting in the 'family room' for quite some time reading his book. With the Avengers gone on one of their missions and his brother back on Asgard, Loki was enjoying the peace and quiet whilst he had the chance. 

He was startled by a sudden tapping at the window, being on one of the highest floors in the tower, he didn't expect anyone to make it up to this height.

His anxiety calmed down when he saw a small man in a red and blue spandex outfit with white eyes waving at him from the other side of the glass. Loki rose to his feet and went over to the window and opened it slightly, letting the crouching man crawl inside.

Loki and Peter Parker, an unlikely friendshipWhere stories live. Discover now