How To Help a Nine.

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The reason Loki was infuriated enough to reach a nine was mainly because of Tony Stark and Odin and Thor and practically every single one of the Avengers that sided with Stark. You see, Thor had returned from Asgard that morning with some dreadful news, at least for Loki. Odin had apparently decided to 'forgive' Loki for his crimes against Midgard which had led to the meeting set by Fury that Stark had forced Loki to sit out of. The fact that Loki had no say in the meeting made his blood boil, it was his life! He should have the right to decide whether he would go to Asgard or not.

So Loki was forced to sit out of the meeting, waiting in agony for the others to come back after deciding his fate. He sat in that corner for hours and hours, stewing in the outcome of the meeting. Loki was sat pondering questions about what would happen if he was sent back to Asgard. 'What if I'm sent back to that horrific cell? How could Odin punish me more? Isn't this sentence on Midgard enough? What reason would he change his mind?' But the question that tormented him the most had nothing to do with Odin... it was about his mother.

'What would she think of me? What would she say if I returned? How will I be able to look her in the eye after what I've done?' The more Loki questioned the possibilities, the more his frustration grew which led him back to the present. Storming out on a confused Peter after irrationally plunging a dagger into the rooms ceiling. He didn't necessarily know where he was going but he knew he needed to relax somehow.

Loki kept marching through the endless hallways of Stark Tower until he finally reached his own room. He strode in angrily and slammed the door behind him, letting his magic fuse with his anger. A glorious, green energy abruptly burst from within him, like a gust of wind caused by an earthquake. Furniture, books and anything else left strewn about flew from their places, smashing into the walls of Loki's room. As fast as his magic had begun, had it stopped, leaving Loki in his disheveled state surrounded by the ruins of his once tidy room. He walked to his bed and sat heavily on the sheets, head hung low in bitterness. It was at that moment that a knock could be heard from the other side of his door.

"I do not wish to be disturbed so please leave at once." He rudely announced through gritted teeth, Loki wasn't normally this disrespectful but he was not in the right state of mind to deal with visitors at that time.

"I-it's me, Mr.Loki..." Peter stuttered from the other side of the door. Loki sighed, he couldn't send Peter away, it was Peter.

"Come in, child." Loki beckoned, Peter slowly opened the door and took in the scene for a few moments before turning to Loki.

"I-I can leave if you're not-" Peter began to say before Loki cut him off with a wave of his hand.

"No, no, please, stay. I insist." Loki replied while gesturing for Peter to come closer. Peter shut the door behind him and walked near where Loki was sat. Neither said anything for a few seconds, letting the awkwardness sink in before Peter broke.

"Are you...ok?" He asked cautiously, he had dealt with Loki's higher numbers before but this felt different.

"Not quite." Was all Loki could muster to say. This wasn't something he wanted to burden Peter with yet he knew that the child wouldn't let this go so easily. Peter went to sit next to Loki on the bed, Loki didn't respond but acknowledged the movement all the same.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Peter asked hopefully, he hated seeing Loki this distraught.

"Peter as much as I appreciate your kindness, I'm afraid the only thing that could lighten my mood would be stabbing Thor in the back and I'm positive that neither one of us would benefit from the outcome." Loki answered. Thor's betrayal by siding with Stark had unintentionally wounded Loki more than he had originally thought.

"Um...are there any other things you did back on Asgard that would help you when you were upset... other than stabbing Thor that is." Peter asked with a light chuckle at the end. Loki smiled at the question and for a brief moment remembered all the times he had stabbed Thor when they were young. Gods, how his mother had punished him. However he also thought back to when he and Odin would have arguments. It reminded him of one of the habits he had developed back on Asgard whenever he needed to clear his mind.

"Well when I was in my youth, I was often in need of a distraction to stop my anger taking control. I would often frequent a local tavern and mingle with the people, in disguise of course." Loki remembered fondly, good times.

"Ok well, um I'm not old enough to drink but I could take you to a bar or something." Peter suggested.

Loki thought it over, as much as he would enjoy Peters company, he felt that he needed to spend some time alone to gather his thoughts.

"I think it's in my best interest to go this alone, Peter, however you needn't fret." Loki began as he summoned a small box with his hand. "For you see, Stark has 'graced' me with this small device that can be used to 'keep tabs on me.'" Loki added whilst showing Peter the device.

"Oh you have a cell phone, cool!" Peter replied, looking at the device in slight fascination.

"Yes well, the name is fitting as it is being used to 'contain' me even further. But on the bright side, Stark has added your number already so if I come across any trouble, I can call you. Simple." Loki stated with such confidence that it felt like he was going to intentionally go looking for trouble.

"Ok I guess, but are you sure you don't need help? What if you get lost? Or kidnapped? Or-!" Peter began, concern evident in his voice which warmed Loki's heart.

"Peter. Calm yourself, I am the God of Mischief after all, rest assured I will be perfectly alright." Loki comforted him with a slick smile. Peter took a breath to relax and nodded with a smile, Loki would be fine...right?

With that settled, Loki stood from the bed and Peter walked him to the elevator door. After one last goodbye, Loki left on his own, leaving Peter by himself to do nothing but wait. 'Might as well get my homework done' he decided. After a few hours, Peter was sat at his desk with a finished pile of homework and textbooks when all of a sudden his phone rang.

*Evil laughter* Cliffhanger 😈. Sorry but I will write another chapter to finish this part. Also we hit 2.5k 😱🤯🥳 Thank you guys so so so much for the support and encouragement with the comments, it really helps my motivation. Also I just want to say that in this Au, Frigga was stabbed by a dark elf but survived! Sorry but I really like the idea of her character and- Oop sorry no spoilers 🤫. Anyway byeeeeeee.

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