A God's Hangover

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To say Loki had a headache would be an understatement, his head felt as if it was swelling from the inside like a balloon ready to burst. The lights around him scorched his aching eyes and felt as if they were boiling in their sockets. His body felt sore with every movement and his stomach churned with nausea from all the alcohol he had consumed the day before. He felt it slush within him which only made his sickness feel worse. 

Despite his illness, and Peters disapproval, Loki managed to slump out of his bed and rest on the couch. Peter was at his every beck and call throughout the day, even though he didn't feel like he needed it, but it was appreciated nonetheless. However Loki spent most of his time asleep, resting and regaining his strength. No one other than Thor or Peter disturbed him but that was only to check on how he was feeling. It had been a few hours since Peter and Loki had gotten back and even more from the time of the Avengers meeting but still Loki was reminded of the context of the meeting.

Loki sat up from his place on the couch, holding his head in his palm and trying to remember the night before. Peter then walked in from his hall and sat by Loki, he smiled at him and looked sympathetically up at Loki's disheveled face. 

"Hey Mr.Loki, how are you feeling?" Peter asked thoughtfully.

"Although a God's hangover is quite severe in comparison to a Midgardian's hangover, I am quite well, Peter, thank you." Loki replied with a weak smile but it soon scrunched as he remembered something from last night. He reached out and held Peter's face, squeezing his cheeks as he did so and forcing Peter's lips to smush open in a weird way. Peter tried to look at anything but Loki's eyes for fear that he might remember what had happened the last time he did this last night. 'Please don't remember! Please don't remember!' 

"Did I...do this and call you...Puppy Parker?" Loki questioned as hazy memories flooded his mind.

'Never mind.' Peter thought to himself as he sighed at the humiliating nickname. Peter nodded in Loki's grasp and Loki opened his mouth as if to say 'ah' but chose against it and kept it closed with a smirk whilst releasing Peter's face. Peter rolled his eyes playfully, making Loki laugh slightly. At that moment, Tony walked in from the elevator, he looked at Loki and sighed to himself.

"Good to see you looking as pale as usual Reindeer Games." He said with a grin but Peter could sense the nervousness coming from Tony. Loki scoffed and rolled his eyes. 

"Pete, I um need to talk to Loki privately so could you.." He then said to Peter and gestured to the hallway.

"Um ok Mr.Stark." Peter said as he rose from his spot, he waved to Loki as he walked down the hallway and presumably out of earshot from Loki and Tony but of course he wasn't just going to get up and leave just like that. His curiosity was too strong to resist and so he slowly crept up the walls and opened an air vent hatch. He climbed inside and proceeded to crawl through the vents, he reached another hatch that had slots big enough to see through however what he saw was not just Loki and Stark, it was all of them. Natasha, Steve, Thor, Bruce, Clint, Bucky, Wanda, Vision, Rhodey, Pietro, hell even Fury was there! It seemed that all of the Avengers except Peter were allowed to be apart of the talk with Loki.

"To what do I owe this audience Stark?" Loki asked sounding very exhausted. Tony looked between Thor and Fury, who nodded, and then back at Loki.

"Well, as I'm sure you know, Odin contacted us through some Asguardian shit and said that he needed you and Thor back. Now before you say-" Tony tried to hurriedly say but was cut off clean by Loki.

Loki and Peter Parker, an unlikely friendshipWhere stories live. Discover now