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Colby's POV

"What's up, man?" Sam asked after the phone rang a couple times. "You have been texting me all day to call you. I'm calling you." I said with a sigh.

"Oh! I just have a small update. Also just wanted to talk, how's Jules and the baby?" He asked as I breathed a laugh.

"Don't scare me like that, man." I said and went into the bedroom, sitting on the bed.

"She's good though. Both of them are. We're just trying to finish everything in the nursery since we're running out of time." I said with a sigh.

"You have two months, right?" Sam asked as I nodded. "Yeah, two months. It's so soon but so far away." I said as Sam chuckled.

"I bet it feels good to be able to fall back into a normal routine." He said as I nodded.

"Yeah. What's going on there though?" I asked and stood up, pacing around the room. "Max is throwing a fit. He wants Julia dead for what she did to him." Sam said as I nodded. "Cool. Kill him." I said simply.

"Really?" Sam asked as I nodded. "If he's going to put Julia at risk then absolutely. He deserves what he got and he deserves this." I said as Julia came into the room.

There was a confused look on her face as she walked in.

"Okay, I can make that happen." Sam said as I opened my arm so Julia would step into my embrace.

"Thanks, man. I gotta go but I'll talk to you later." I said as Sam hummed. "You got it, man." He said then hung up.

"What's going on?" Julia asked and looked up at me. "Nothing much. Sam just wanted to check in." I said then kissed her head and pulled away from her.

"He should come visit. I think you'd enjoy having him around." Julia said with a small smile. "Yeah, maybe when the baby gets closer. We may need some help around here." I said as she nodded slightly.

"He doesn't always need to be helpful, ya know. He can just come and be a friend." She said and put her hands on her belly, her face scrunching slightly with pain.

"Woah...you okay?" I asked and took a step forward, putting my hands over hers. "Braxton hicks." She said then looked up at me.

"Excuse me?" I asked causing her to laugh. "False labor pains. They happen in the third trimester of pregnancy." She explained. "Does that mean you're gonna have her soon?" I asked as she shook her head.

"No. It just means we're getting closer." She said with a small smile.

"Do you think we're gonna be good parents?" She asked and looked up at me as the baby kicked against our hands.

"I do. I really do." I said then leaned down and kissed her.

I never thought I wanted kids.

The idea of it was sickening since I had left my family behind to join the gang. I fully submerged myself into my work, making my friends my family.

When I met Julia though, everything changed.

I remembered the exact moment I knew I wanted to have kids with her.

It was right before I asked her to be my girlfriend for the first time. I had gone into her childhood home to bring her back some stuff to remind her of her siblings.

On the wall in the house was a picture of Julia and her family.  On her face was the brightest and biggest smile I've ever seen on her.

I wanted her to smile that big around me.

I wanted her to have kids of her own since she loved her siblings so much.

And now she gets to live the life I know she's always wanted.

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