Chapter 10: Just me and you now

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A/N: Angst at the start cause im not having a good week at the time of typing this so im sorta venting in this chapter as well.
The chapter is also slightly more serious since im not in the mood to type, but i still need to get this done. (Sorry if the writing is a bit weird than usual or repeating words)

( But no worries i am good👍 write this like 2 weeks ago)

Chapter is also based on a writing i did like a month before i started typing this FF of Equinox ( so theres some references from the oneshot)

Chapter 10: Just me and you now

Equinox picked up one of the glitter glue bottles that had laid on the floor discarded and examined it, making sure there weren't any leaks that would contaminate anything touching it.

There hadn't been much that he needed to do since Lunar came back, most of the kids flocked too either Sun or Lunar. Since they knew who they were, so he ended up doing most of the cleaning while they were taking care of the kids.

He sighed, placing the bottle on one of the plastic table. He's completely fine with not dealing with kids but ever since Lunar came back he felt... ignored.

Sun and Moon had been hanging out with Lunar, which makes complete sense. They were probably bonding over the time his brother was kinda dead.

Even Earth was talking to him, well more like Lunar went and talked to her, but not once did he bothered trying to talk to him or even acknowledge his existence.

Now that he was thinking about it, it's most likely because he reminds him of the person that gave him trauma.

Although when Equinox is listening them talk happily to each other from across the room. He knows that he doesn't have an actual heart but his heart swells, feeling like it's getting sliced in half slowly with a burning knife.

He hadn't imagined loneliness would affect him deeply like this, but it's probably the lingering fear of isolation again if he was abandoned.

Being stuck in that damn forest had definitely messed him up mentally if he seeks comfort in being around people and he genuinely hates it.

Picking up a barrel that was knocked down he hears loud chatter walts into the daycare, he didn't even need to turn around to know who the group was until bells rung behind him and a tap on his shoulder got his attention.

"Hey, sorry to spring this on you unexpectedly but do you think you can handle the daycare for a day or two by yourself?" Equinox snapped his head around realizing Moon had asked a question.

"Why? Running away from the government or something?"

"Ha! Hilarious but no, Earth recommended that i take Lunar and Sun on a vacation of sort so they can destress, we haven't decided where to go yet"

"Yeah, i can handle it, just go" he dismissed him quickly, just more things to add onto his mind. Moon observes him for a moment acknowledging he wanted to be left alone and left with the others.

With him just by himself in the daycare it felt sickening, a big open place thats supposed to be full of people and the stupidly annoying theme song. But is now simply empty and lifeless felt wrong.

It's uncomfortable...

He needs to keep his mind off being alone for a while, it's only 2 days. He could handle it. Maybe he should build something to distract himself, it's been a while since he made anything non-destructive which was Lunar.


Ok, no more thinking about them.

He thought walking over to the security desk, attempting to find things to drown himself with work even if that wouldn't last long.


A while after he got bored tinkering with whatever Moon had left lying around and got up to see if there was anything on the computers to do only to hear struggled grunts from somewhere behind the play structures.

"I swear to god if some damn adult is back here, im killing them..." he dropped 'his' invention onto the table, storming over to where the sound was coming from and turned the corner to confrfont the person, only to find.


"What... what the hell are you doing here" he questioned, baffled that he was here hunched over in pain griping onto the structure like he was on life support.

The question made the figure swiftly swing his head over to him causing them to wince in pain, rays going into his head.

"Where is he" the figure in front of him huffed out letting go once he stabilized his footing.


"Moon! Where is he"

"He's not here...Uhm..." he would say his name but it felt off calling him his own name even if thats him.

"Did they seriously not tell you who i am?" The orange bot in front of him glared sluggishly.

Equinox paused for a minute, this was a perfect opportunity to get close to himself. Deep down he smirked sinisterly, if his plan works he could finish his mission. Hopefully he can exploit the situation.

"... they told me that you were not good" a lie not the truth but it's not a lie either, he can see that the animatronic was deciding if he wanted to trust him or now.

"Cut the crap, you know a lot more than you say you do"


Well... that didn't last as long as he was hoping for.... surely he can still salvage this.

"...Fine, Fine you got me. But what exactly are you going to do about it? It's not like they trust us" his tone shifted, sounding a lot similar to his original voice as he glared down at the figure.

"Your me aren't you... Heh, a damn wolf in sheep's clothing.  The only one you could be is the original, right?"

"And? what's it to you? We manipulate others, your point is?"

The tension between the two lightened up a bit as Eclipse chuckled in contentment though clearly in pain by the grimaces written on his face.

"Heh... Fine... I'll leave them alone for now, this is going to be entertaining. I'll be watching from a distance..." Equinox is sure that it's just a sorry excuse to not be here any longer after getting the information that the people he was looking for was not even here.

Seeing him stumble in place slightly before he fell a bit sideways vanishing, leaving small sparkles falling onto the floor.

"He left like how a mob died in Minecraft..." snickering as he swipes one of his legs at the direction of the sparkles making them disappear like he's collecting exp.

As the glimmer simmered down, loud childish screeches came from the ball pit as he peeks his head out alarmed that there were multiple kids running around the daycare already.

Hurriedly he checked the time realizing his dumbass wasted so much time not being prepared and bolting over to the crowd of childrens totally prepared to entertain them.

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