Chapter 26: Discussion

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Chapter 26: Discussion

"You know, I still find it a bit weird that Equinox is... You know Eclipse?" Sun swerved his faceplate before turning to his family. " I mean he's all happy and stuff and not 'im going to kill and torture you', you know what I'm saying? "

" I wouldn't say he's ALL happy, I'll say he's more serious and grumpy than anything remotely close to happiness. But I do see what you mean" Moon shrugs his shoulders turning around so his back was facing his siblings as hes looking down at his arm. "He seems to enjoy hanging out with us even if he denies it. Never thought I'll see Eclipse go soft but, its a nice change"

Lunar hopped over and tackles him from behind. "Moony you still don't trust him do you? Is that also the reason you still left him handcuffed, cause you knew he couldn't use them?"

Moon look up to Lunar whos now perched onto his shoulder. "I'm still testing him... I still don't understand why he just switched sides but if he really is being honest then this would help him. Either way it helps both of us" he glanced back down to his arm before shutting it.

"And I still don't understand how you didn't know it was him" one of the computers spoke out in the intercom, Moon turned back around glaring up at the ceiling. Grabbing something besides him and tosses one of the barrels into the air causing Sun to yelp in shock at what he did.

"Shut up!! You shouldn't be talking, traitor!!"

" Moon! Why'd you do that!! I have to clean them again!" His rays shrunk in on itself as the dread of having to clean them again was caused by his own brother.

" Sorry!" He sheepishly yelled out an apologized to him.

" Both of you shut it! I can hear you from out here" a voice yelled out from outside as they turned their head to see Equinox opening the door with a plastic cup in hand.

"Oh! Did you get the right flavor?!" Lunar hopped off of Moon and bolts over to him, raising both hands up closing and opening them. "Gimmeee"

He sighed looking down at his little brother before handing it too him, Lunar cheered before dragging him closer to the group by his hand.

"Gee, wheres my drink?" Moon asked sarcastically, seeing his little brother slurping away at the fizzy faz.

"I'm not getting you anything for handcuffing me, asshole..." He shook his head as the blue animatronic huffed, peeved that he had a fair point.

"Language... although I'm so happy, we hadn't have any hangouts since last time with the cats"

" What about the cats? " Lunar paused his drinking as he turns over to his giant sister.

" Right, lunar this was before you came back but my cats came out and hung out with us. That's kinda how we found out Equinox was a cat person"

" Im not a damn cat person..." A distant meow rang into the empty daycare before it became silent again.

" Your in denial~" Moon called out childishly acknowledging the fact Nova seemed to agree with them even if the cat is not currently present at the moment.

"You sure thats not Sun's cat?"

"My cat's are in my room right now..." Sun answered truthfully pointing up at the balcony.


"... I wont ask why you know where your cats are every second... Moon, can i talk to you for a minute?" He asked waling back out of the doors.

" Uh... yeah, sure" he responded following him out of the daycare. " So, what is it?"

"Follow me" Equinox muttered, quickly bolting up the stairs as Moon chased after him.

They ran for a bit before they halted in front of the teleporter leading to their balcony.

"I wanted to ask if you had placed something near the teleporter, more specifically the black box under it In the shelf?"

" Thats all you wanted to ask?" He tilted his head completely confused at what reason to drag him out cause of a box. "uhh... No... I haven't put anything under it recently. Who knows, probably one of the workers placed it there"

" Probably... Who know... While i have you here, i don't think i explained the entire plan i had to you did i? " Equinox questioned turning his head over to Moon.

" Yeah you didn't, only brief details but i think now's the best time since we have everything ready besides the remote controller. Lets go sit down." Moon walks past the tall figure as the bells from his foot rattled with each step he took, while the white pom pom on his night cap swayed back and forth gently.

" Alright so whats the plan?" Blue with yellow star pants sat down on the red couch before crossing his legs to look more professional.

" As you know im dragging Eclipse into the ballpit so he can blow up, I was thinking you and Sun could be in the main room where the balcony is and be the distraction while I teleport and drag him in." As he explained he sat down right besides Moon.

" Ok stop... 2 things, 1... How are you sure hes coming onto the balcony, and 2 how are you teleporting. " Bringing fingers up he raises two fingers up representing the two questions.

" He'll most likely target you and Sun and for your second question, over there" he said pointing behind him where the teleporter is.

"Huh, fair point but this plan seems too easy he wont just willingly jump into the ballpit"

" Thats... Where your correct, the thing is... I technically wont expect bombs in the ballpit since it would ultimately destroy your portal."

"... Fine, your right. This could work out but you still need to train your arms if your planning on dragging him in." Jabbing his arms, he lifted his head up looking him in the eye. "How would you know when to come in"

"Easy, you call me in your head and i don't pick up. Thats my cue to enter"

" What then? a grand monologue from you before you pull yourself in?" Moon joked imitating how he acted previously back in October.


"... Dont remind me on how cringy i was"

" Glad to know your not emo anymore. "

"Shut up, i still hate you"

" Whatever softy, let's go back. They're probably waiting for us" They smirked at each other before calmly walking back to the daycare, bickering with each other.


Well isn't that interesting...

The figure thought, listening on the supposedly private conversation. Not like anyone would know someone's eavesdropping. After all they've been watching since the beginning but this seemed to have spark some thought into their head.

Orange and black rays swirled around his face calmly as he stood next to the couch leaning against the armrest, completely invisible to the normal eye. Eclipse hummed closing his eyes in thought.

Would be such a shame if there plan failed. He smirked sinisterly, considering he now has an upper hand on them they won't know until it actually hits them.

He chuckles before it went to full on cackling although he ends up choking and starts coughing violently.

He'll just see if Equinox will notice that's a bomb before its too late...

He'll just see if Equinox will notice that's a bomb before its too late

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