Chapter 13: Slumber Party

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A/n: Chapter is based on a drawing my friend did of Equinox a while back, based on descriptions alone ( there the reason why Equinox looks the way he is now ) if yall want to see what his beta design looked like im dropping the link here. Its just slight changes tho not much changed. ^-^

Chapter idea: Lizzy606ahr
• "does Sun see blood Moon? And does Equinox/Eclipse see it happen sooner or later?"

Chapter idea: CueberriezForever
• " Could i have some sun and moon fluff or angst? 🙃"

Chapter 13: Slumber Party

"So Lunar, who should we 'kidnap' first?" Equinox proclaimed ducking awfully low under the metal gate that leads to the theater that way it didn't hit his brother in the face.

The animatronic in question was given a piggyback ride since they wanted to save the burrito jail for the sleepover, there face scrunched debating which victim to choose from.

"We're already out here might as well snag Moon first" Lunar peered over the corners of the reddish orange rays as Equinox pattered over to where the teleporter was, still in the horribly placed area and quickly smacked it like how he did to Lunar back in October as they teleport over to the balcony.

Lunar hoped off of his temporary ride and climbed down onto the main area before running over to the tunnel and diving head first into Moon's room like some kinda animal.

Equinox vaults over the railing and bends down next to the tunnel, peeking into it as he heard multiple rustles before the last thing he sees is Moon shooting out of the hole and colliding into him straight in the face, both crashing onto the floor with a loud thud.

"Moon, get off me your heavy as hell!" He gritted his teeth, trying to get them off but not giving much effort in pushing the night jester off him.

"Oh, ha ha funny, says the one who picked me up with one arm" Moon snapped back at him once regaining balance from the crash.

At that response Equinox simply slapped him away to right with his arms completely disregarding the shocked yelp as the landed on the cold wooden flooring.

"Sorry!" Lunar's sheepish voice echoes out as he crawled to the exit, staring down at the two on the floor away from each other.

Maneuver around the tunnel Lunar's leg hung out of the tunnel and waited until Equinox got back up before latching back onto his neck.

Lunar reminded him of a baby koala, he huffed to himself before stepping over to Moon and grabbed his legs dragging him all over the floor. Although there were some resistance, thankfully that was quickly put to rest when Moon found out Lunar stated he wanted the sleepover.

Kidnap Moon? Success, now they need 2 more.


"Can't you just do this normally like a normal person?" Moon voice came from behind Equinox as they walk out of the ballpit with Moon still being towed by the legs.

"What is with your grip?? Like seriously what are you even made out of?" Moon crossed his arms staring at the dark purple ceiling, littered with fake stars as imitations.

" Tungsten"

" How... Do they have that much Tungsten to make YOU?!? Fazbear's is a absolute cheap skates!!"

" You think i know... " Mumbling under his breath as he wandered around the daycare, surprisingly he still hasn't seen Sun anywhere when hes usually cleaning his 'glorious' barrels.

New Daycare Attendant? Who that? ( Sun and Moon Show Au )Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz