Chapter 23: Gaining Trust

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Chapter 23: New Mission! Gaining Trust


"Sun... I just want to say... Shut up about the DAMN GRAVEL!!" Equinox shouted at the bot in front of him. Although Sun dismissed his calls and continued to ramble on while walking with a bounce to his steps.

"Your a lot more snippy than before but yeah... Trust me, I'm just as tired as you are" The figure besides him spoke up, sighing to himself as he walked beside Equinox.

The walk has been somewhat peaceful with Sun leading the way, besides the constant yapping he was doing about the history of gravel. Moon stayed relatively close behind him, enough that he was out of his reach.

Unless he was talking he would walk slightly beside Equinox to voice his opinion on things or just drop random comments before falling back behind.

He growled slightly and they continued their way back to the pizza plex. It made him wonder why they didn't just teleport back, but it seemed like he's the only one that can teleport normally in this universe. The two of them seemed to only be able to teleport into any universe they want, but cant seem to teleport anywhere.

He'll just keep this secret to himself, they don't need to know this. He crossed his arms defiantly as they continued walking, something feels like its eating him away...


As they traveled back to the plex, they passed by Earth's room and arrived back at the daycare. Equinox split off from the two as he sped walked deeper into the daycare quietly by himself leaving the the twin brothers at the entrance.

Since he arrived back, he felt the urge to just flop over and cry uncontrollably but he had to resist it, hes not crying infront of those idiots. Hes not weak, why would he cry over nothing? He clenched his fists, walking over to the castle on the left besides the ballpit.

Walking over to the darkest parts he leans on the wall before slidding down onto the floor. Equinox curled in onto himself, wrapping his arm around his legs.

He's not sure if after they finish the plan, they'll end up finishing him off as well. Get rid of any reminders of Eclipse he suppose... He felt black droplets fell down his faceplate as he brought a hand up to rub it away. Is he seriously crying right now? the black liquid smeared onto his hands as well as his cheeks. But It wouldn't have mattered either way, his entire faceplate was black besides his eyes anyways. No one would know hes crying once it dries up. He thought flicking some of his tears off his fingers.

Small footsteps pattered close by as he paused sitting extremely still. It didn't help that he was slightly panicking that he'd been caught though there were no sounds, he deflated slightly feeling numb again as he stared at the ground.

Light tears continues to trickle down but he didn't bother wiping it, he was tired to care at the moment. He stayed like that for while until something landed on his shoulder.

"Meow!" Green eyes stared into orange as it brought a paw up mushing it into his face.

"Nova?" He croaked out to the cat, he lifts a hand up to pet the black fur although the feline ignored the hand and rubbed its head onto his faceplate.

"Ack- Nova! Dont do that! Your getting oil on yourself!" Lifting the cat away, he plopped it back onto the patted floor as it stared up at him. It tilted its head a few time before striding off away from him calmly, completely relaxed.

Glancing at where the cat went, more tears streamed down as he tried rubbing them away. he hiccuped, chocking on his sobs as he cried to himself silently as he curled back into himself.

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