Ch3: Jinhai City & freshman year

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We moved to the city and I bought a villa for about 7 million and settled my parents and took them to buy some cars and then visited some tourist places eat outside and then we returned. I decided to give them some exercises that was made by me in my last life to get players to the refinement realm and bought some A level potions for them and informed them that I will live in the university for now.
The next day I went to the university where I will meet Blackie and thoughtful rain who we didn't know her idintity until later that she was the class monitor Zhao ruoxi.
I also wanted to be a member in big dipper training center to make some connections to get my hands on S level potions and life potion.
After some boring tutorials and introductions we got to the class rooms where I met Blackie and hit off right from the start but class monitor needs some time. Afterwards I decided not participate in the martial arts club for now but I need to participate in school fighting competition so as to participate in the city fighting competition. I knew I would win easily and it has no meaning except to make a name for myself and make connections.
Days have passed and I Won the school competition and city competition as I expected but what I didn't was green God's company was sponsoring the event and won a spot on auction for it. Thankfully they were discreet and as the hype for martial arts still relatively low no one came to bother me about. I decided to continue making money and training while being low key until I get enough self defense insurance. As I know there are a lot of monsters out there and I'm not ready to meet them yet. I got blackie a membership card for big dipper and made him train on my exercise to get him stronger faster. As there wasn't God's domain yet the improvement were relatively slow for me and Blackie.
I spent some money on the auction to buy some life potions and even got a water life seems corporations still haven't got the news about god's domain and only some people from upper zone that knows as the only one right now who reached neutralization grandmaster is green god's company owner and the 60 guys with hin on greater GD
I have been some very successful investment in the financial market and opened a company that facilitates the matter. I have now about 25 billion credits and I expect them to reach a hundred billion at the end of the year.
Time passed and the end of the school year is coming with me studying , training and parents said that you should focus on studying but I needed at least 20~30 billion to get the two opportunities I need in the summer.
The first one is somewhat easy as liang jing told me when she started working in Big Dipper training center one of the major shareholders decided to leave the city and go live near his daughter's family after his wife died so some people were afraid of closure of the training center until they took a loan to pay him and the loan almost caused bankruptcy until someone came and decided to pay the loan when martial arts became a stream next year .
The second one is a once in a lifetime opportunity as it will cause some major headlines as the government will sell an island to be developed by someone only for it to become one of the largest energy vein load in the world and my friends from Starlink is the one who developed it and was one of the reasons for solidifying its position as one 500 corporation worldwide and even though they didn't buy it at first it was still developed by them and I wouldn't let that happen for the crap they made go through.
So I told my parents that It's all good and not to worry as I got everything handled.
After the exams I got together with Blackie who reached refinement realm and approaching water following realmas he said "what a year "
I looked at him and asked "what do you mean?"
" I mean at the first of the year I wouldn't have guessed in a million years that I would train myself to the bones and know a whole new world out there by just meeting you no matter how I think about it still feels weird"Blackie answered.
"Well maybe it was fate"I answered ambiguously.
"So do you still plan to make me go to snooping around guilds and training centers as you wanted "
He asked as he wanted to pay me for the membership,potions and the training he got.
I didn't need any payments but as it was still the first he had known me for him it made sense to want paying me back so I asked him that after the exams he would do some espionage on guilds and training centers that I wanted to buy and if there's anyone willing to sell their heritage of any the four refinement realms.
I of course know that at most he would get flowing water realm with money but if we need void and domain realm then we will need to bleed to make it.
Refinement realm and flowing water realm is a mark of top tier experts but void realm is a mark for peak experts and super first-grade guilds while domain realm is mark of apex experts and super guilds and money for those people isn't that important.
"Yeah,but I need you to keep A low profile as to not get us attention from some old monsters for now as I'm not ready yet"I said nodding to his question.
"What do you mean not ready didn't you tell me you are beyond domain realm"he asked in confusion.
"well there's some realms in mind that I didn't tell you about.they also also have four grades they are expert,especial,master,grandmaster and right now I'm at the special grade and that's only because of the water life potion I got previously" I answered.
While it's easy for me to get back to neutralize grandmaster realm with my experience in realms of refinements and truth, and the life potions I got from the auctions.
mind realm however is another matter as it needs god's domain or upper zone especial places and specialties of potions and right now I don't have access to either so I can only reach special grade for now but it won't be for long as I will make my movements right after acquiring the island.

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