Ch96:Production Plant and Red Frost Acquisition

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Shi Feng found the fortress crowded and some super guilds are already here. He thought about calling aqua to ask about the situation but he decideded to activate the the alter first. 

Ancient Fortresses are highly sought after by superpowers and Guild due to the ancient legacies that are stored within them. Tier 3 and higher legacies can be found in them, which would allow players to complete their Tier 3 Promotion Quests. There are also legacies related to Mana Body control that was left from the Great Destruction era.

The legacy is the unlocking of mana but the Tier 3 promotion Quests requires a special building and that's the altar.

The Altar send players to their legacies land after going through a certain trial. If you succeed you can get the legacy scroll but if you failed then you would need to wait ten days to try again. Each try was also not for free but for a 1000 magic crystals.

Shi Feng after activating the altar, he went to open the prison. Midway though he got a call from Xia Qingying.

"Mr Feng, where have you been?. Why have you been unreachable."

"I'm sorry, I have caught into something. Did the meeting happen already?"

"no but it's tomorrow. The president told me to tell so make sure you are free at the time"

"okay, thank you Mrs Qingying"

After hanging up he had already arrived at the prison and activated it.

Shi Feng then called Aqua.
"hey Aqua, how is the situation"

"it's going very good. This fortress is like a treasure trove guild leader. We all have unlocked our mana and I have made the arrangements here so there should no problem"

"okay, by the way did any guilds make trouble"

"at first they came to do that, but when they found that it's us, they retreated immediately"

"good, by the way what's your Legacy Mark"
Shi Feng knew that they can get the silver mark for sure. But the gold mark is impossible.

"we all got silver mark except fire dance, violet cloud, invincible swallow and Lifeless thorn. They got the gold mark"

Shi Feng was flabbergasted. The gold Mark was impossible to get cleared without the items with him.

".... They got Gold Mark, are you sure"

"yes, they seem to have gotten a lot of benefits."

"okay call them to meet me at the Los mansion"

Shi Feng went immediately and repaired the large battelfeild in the fortress then met with the others and went to Osset. The fortress phantom.

"Wielder of the Fortress Lord's Token, how may I help you " Osset asked Shi Feng after seeing the latter coming his way.

"I have collected another two gold mark and came to take control of the fortress"

"it's indeed. As you have said. Now you can obtain the Fortress unique legacy".

Shi Feng then looked at his lord's token and saw that he can activate everything.

Bronze privilege : Fortress Restaurant, Fortress Hotel. 30,000 magic crystal each
Silver privilege : Object Creation Tower, Manafication Tower. 50,000 magic crystal each
Gold privilege : Teleportation hall, Starlight Temple.

All their prices were the same in bronze and silver.

But gold is different. The teleportation hall is for 80,000 magic crystals. It was actually cheaper than the Altar.

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