Ch110: World Passage & Shadow Incinerator

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Shi Feng finally understood why there are no offers for him. The only thing that could solve this problem is to establish a battle group and join under a name of the conglomerate. But I will have to offer something in return instead, in this case.

The situation is now getting more and more complicated. He would be wasting a huge number of points by sitting here, but going to someone is also a big problem for me.

MMM, for now, let's think about this matter later. Now the people are coming to our home world, they will definitely target the Lost city. So I will have to upgrade its defense and station some people at the Lost city for some time. This is the only way to ensure the city safety.

After looking at the time, he found that the update is completed, and he immediately logged in.

He immediately transferred to the Lost city and went to the lord mansion. He immediately strengthened the magic array of the city, then went to the next city. Likewise, he spent a day transferring between the guilds cities.

This sent around of upgrades to all the cities. The whole god's domain world was shocked.

What's going with Zero Wing? Why did the cities get upgraded all of a sudden?

After knowing the situation, they immediately understood that the world passage opening wasn't going to be all rainbows, but they are going to suffer if even Zero Wing taking such drastic measures.

Updating the magic arrays was costly, of course, but Shi Feng didn't hesitate to do it. That would send a message to all those coming that This Zero Wing home World and nothing can shake it.

After doing so, he immediately went to White River City's adventure guild.

When Shi Feng arrived at the Adventurer's Association, he met the administrator there.
"How may I help you, Lord?" an administrator working the front desk on the second floor asked when she saw Shi Feng approaching.

In response, Shi Feng took out the Bronze Cross-Border Guild Promotion Order and said, "Hello. I want to promote Zero Wing into a Bronze Guild."

The promotion of a Cross-Border Guild was different from the promotion of standard Guilds. It represented the recognition of all Adventurer's Associations in God's Domain. At the same time, it was also a recognition of status in the Greater God's Domain.

Normally, a Basic Cross-Border Guild seeking promotion would need to fulfill two conditions. Firstly, the Guild would need to accumulate one million Gods' Domain Popularity Points. Secondly, the Guild would need at least one hundred members to become certified Advanced Adventurers, which also meant they had to reach the World Tower's second-floor standard.

In addition, ordinary cities did not possess the qualifications to test players. Only Adventurer's Association branches in the Greater God's Domain or Holy Cities in the junctions between God's Domains were qualified to conduct the certification test.

Meanwhile, the so-called adventurer certification test was essentially a test of a player's combat standards. Players were required to challenge the World Tower during the certification test, and there were four levels of certification players could aim for: Basic Adventurer, Advanced Adventurer, Superior Adventurer, and Top Adventurer. These four certification levels corresponded to the World Tower's four floors.

Only players who had successfully cleared the Basic Adventurer Certification would be recognized as first-floor experts. After reaching this standard, one would also become officially recognized as an expert in the Greater God's Domain.

As for players who managed to pass the Advanced Adventurer Certification, they'd be recognized as second-floor experts in the Greater God's Domain. They'd also be treated as mid-level mainstays in the Greater God's Domain's various Guilds, and they'd be qualified to challenge the Large-scale Crisis Quests issued by Adventurer's Association.

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