Ch83: Legendary Mana Body

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Shi Feng stood there in shock and his brain circuit got fried . There are many things wrong with what's happening right now. Is this some kind of a joke.

First How can a demon join hands with a heroic spirit which is the champion of an ancient god when they should be enemies.

Second how can Sharlyn tell me that it will only be more slightly difficult when I have to face two Tier 4s if I got greedy.those NPCs and their fucking vague words.

While Shi Feng was frozen the Heroic Spirit Kando spoke

"You must be wondering how can we join hands but that's just how much hated the Destroyer of Immortality legacy is . Whether it's an ancient god or a demon god , they don't wish for a second one to appear . I can see you came a cross a demonic god and I expect you might have come a cross an ancient god in your previous promotions so have you never wondered about the reason "

Shi Feng then remembered he truly came a cross a demon god and an Ancient god before but he just thought it was the mechanism of the promotion tiers and there's no deeper meaning to it.

"Hey, why are you explaining things to him. You god told to protect the legacy and kill anyone who tries to take it not talk you stupid spirit "

Kando didn't say anything else and just shrugged saying

" Demon, don't speak with me again I'm not your subordinate and you also shouldn't be here as this my last mission and after that I will finally rest so don't anger me . Tolerating you is the limit I can endure for my mission as I become a champion to kill your kind"

While they speaking Shi Feng calmed down and thought of two strategies. To escape or to fight .
The first one that's to escape because while there's a spatial lock it doesn't affect him as he has the Spatial Emblem.
The second option is to try to control the Demon Prince by The Bible of Darkness as it allows him to control a demon 2 tier higher than but there's only 20% success rate and the opponent isn't ordinary tier 4 but a doppelgänger of a demon god a bonafide tier 6 god and also a demon prince rank which is the peak of tier 4 demon rank.

Just as he decided to try his luck they finished talking and prepared to kill him.

"Enough talking let's get this over with , you..!! What's in your hand , hand it over" DahaK said as he looked at me and saw the Bible of Darkness

Shi Feng immediately activated the demon ruler and the divine prominence of his Icarus's heart as away for support.pitch black chains appeared out of thin air bound DahaK. Panicking ,he still struggled and mumbled a few words.the heroic spirit wanted to intervene but the Fire Spirit interrupted him

"How can you have the Bible of darkness, hhhgggg noooooo..........." finally his eyes dulled as he lost his will.

Thank god he didn't take notice of the Bible of Darkness in the previous trial.

The Heroic spirit Took a notice of the situation but instead of panicking he actually smiled

"Although this supposed to be a one on one fight but I guess we cheated first so I'm not going to complain and as You allowed me to keep my honor because I really hated joining hands with a demon , I will advise come at me with everything you got otherwise you will be destroyed "

After he was done talking his Sword actually shined and I felt a great pressure coming from his domain.

We started fighting immediately and with two tier 4 and four tier 3 i thought that we would have an easy fight but that wasn't the case.The demon prince wasn't a normal demon but a being capable of fighting Tier 5 monsters similar to a divine dragon but the Heroic spirit was too overwhelming.

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