Ch70:Icarus's Heart The Godly Relic

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We collected the epic treasure box but Shi Feng didn't open it for now and hoped that the ancient contract would be like the Bone Staff that might drop .but after grinding for more than 4 hours the ancient contract couldn't be found . I hoped it wasn't found before because of lack of luck so I came my self with the Icarus heart but that's not the case.

After thinking about I decided to risk it. I went to the adventure association and met with the the Senior administrator. I thought maybe to find the Ancient contract you need to activate the quest first unlike the Bone Staff and the Book of Undead who were items that can be used .

After paying 3,000 gold coins he went the guild residence and opened the Epic treasure chest.

There were 3 items here . A statue and and two books.The was a sacred beast statue which really sure me, the first book was the book of the undying and the second was a Magic Scroll that teleports to the location of the Ancient Contract.

I was really surprised by the items , although they are epic and dark gold items their usefulness is really great and can be used for our guild too . Just as I was about to activate the Magic Scroll to transport I stopped and looked at the undying book that I got.

[Book of Undying] (Item, Dark-Gold Rank)

Allows the player to resurrect both dead players and NPCs, up to Tier 2. Players will receive half the death penalty. Can be used indefinitely.

I got a similar item in my last life at the secret pavilion auction. I remember because I started my fight with Starlink in my previous life at the auction.

I looked at the time and there's still 4 hours left for my meeting with the Guilds and green god's corporation representative so I called Secret Whisper the guild leader of Secret Pavilion.

"Hello Sir, how are you ?"
Secret Whisper said.

"I'm fine, I called because I heard of your Auction and wonder if there will be any special items in there"

"Special Items sir?, well I will send you the list right away sir"

"Okay, I would be grateful "

After the call ended I called Aqua .

"Aqua, I need you to post a reward in the guild and outside world mission for anyone who have an item called [Book of Undying] that they can get 20,000 gold coins or anything equal to that "

" [Book of Undying]? I think I have heard of it before"

"Oh good collect all you can get"
That means the guild have it.

"Okay I will arrange it"

The list was sent and I looked at it and there's really a book of undying in the list so I called Secret Whisper again.

"Hello again Mr Secret Whisper , I think I saw an item that I need Book of Undying can I buy it from you now as I'm doing a particular quest that needs this item "

"Sir of course you can I will someone with it soon"

"Thank you as a payment I will give you 30,000 gold coins but if you find another Book of undying I help you with anything you need and if you find 2 books I will grant you a permanent slot for the extraordinary tower "

".........Sir may I know how many of them are there "

"Oh 13 book why do you ask" I was puzzled

"Sir, we have two currently and intended to sell one as we have another one but if you need it I will give it to you but may we gain a slot for a month for them "

"Ahahaha , okay I will agree and if you find another one I will keep my promise, permanent slot for your guild and if you find more I will triple it for every book you find"

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