Ch49: Dark Den Again

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Phoenix arrived and came to Zero Wing trading firm and I went to meet her
"Hello Mrs phoenix how are you doing "

Inviting her to sit down i said to her.

"I'm great thanks for our trip i gained immensely "

Right after our trip phoenix rain started making moves that confused a lot of people starting from developing a town no one cared about and buying a shipyard then after a few days she captured a town without anyone knowing how she did it. After investigating the matter and found out about the magic arrays they asked her about but she said it was from zero wing and can't say without our permission .

Everyone backed off immediately as no wanted to verify that matter and they got some news that yuan tiexin said when heard about the matter saying it's probably true.

Unlike our town that now is only starting to host players she got it in 20~50 excellent area.

"Oh it's a small matter "I smiled saying but inwardly

"No it's a small to you but benefited me greatly that's why I came carrying a gift it's an epic treasure box but it's required 88 mana stones to open it "

" it's a heavy gift Mrs phoenix so tell me what you need that you are willing to pay such a huge price"
I said acting like epic chest so what ,but inside I was both excited and worried as If I opened it too fast will its content change?.

Noticing that he wasn't surprised as if it was nothing she remained silent for a moment but eventually she got some courage and said "I want to invest in a trading firm as I need constant gold coins but I want it for my myself not something with the pavilion"

"Mmm it seems you are in tough spot in the guild but our firm doesn't really need investments"

She knew she can't offer something more than the epic chest but she needs constant gold coins.

"Okay I'm somewhat of a friend to you so why don't we do this ,I will open the treasure chest and see what's inside who knows maybe we find something useful and the guild master agrees and if it's not useful we will just pay you gold coins or magic crystals "

"You mean you have 88 mana stones?"phoenix rain got surprised that she jumped up from her seat.

"Yeah "

I took out mana stones that I prepared for opening the epic chest from the final cave and showed to her.

"So what do you say "

She thought for while ,while the epic chest was worth a lot she can't open it and even if she can it may not help her right now.but this supposed to be a gift for him helping me I can't turn sell a gift.

"Mr black flame I'm sorry for getting greedy and hesitating after knowing that you can open it but this a gift and gifts can't sell for money"

I was truly surprised!! Is she naïve or something .she just had to say yes and I would have made up excuse to make it look we benefited a lot and let her invest as she she helped me immensely in my previous life.

"I'm sorry for wasting your time but I guess I just have to think about else" phoenix rain said as she prepared to leave.

I looked at her and then said "you truly don't want to do this maybe guild master will agree"

"I'm really tempted but my instinct tells me not to do that as it may hurt my relationship with zero wing or guild master ye feng and my relationship with Mr ye feng is more beneficial to me"

I looked at her and got really surprised.Does she trust her instincts to this level.I'm not bragging but right now we had connection with almost every guild and they purchased a lot of things from us .we make tens of thousands gold daily and everyone knows about but she held herself from such temptation.

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