Ch 69: Bad relationship

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Shi Feng stood there in daze. 1000 mana stones no matter how he thinks about it is just too much.
The information is worth more that this even with if it's a master alchemist with 30% success rate who synthesize the mana stones but he can swear she just came with the most painful amount she think he can afford.

Well at least I think the information is worth it.

I left afterwards and went to the trading firm to meet Iron forge.

"Hey Iron forge i have something for you "

I gave him The Hell chariot that I got and told him

"Try to make as much as you can "

Titans Ore is one of the rare Ores and it requires a 500 Ores to make one so it's kind of hard .

"Well we have a stock of Titans Ores but it's not much.we can make about thirty "

"Eh? Thirty? Do we have so much " I know that I update informations regularly but the ore itself is rare .

"Well yeah after you showed the Broken steel set equipment of yours last time I looked at the information regarding the Titans ores and started collecting them when I knew they are used for epic equipment "

"Well just make 20 i plan to sell 10 and keep 10 .we don't need that much anyway"

"Okay I understand "

"Oh right, I have an item you would never see again but it's beyond repair but I'm trying to think of a way about how to recast it " I said as I took out the Ring Of Eternity

Iron forge looked at The Ring but couldn't figure out the materials.

"What are the materials that is made of "

"The Heart of the World it's a material that is the foundation of the world of various god's domain "

"..... what kind of rank the forger has to be on to see such material not even considering forging with it"
He said as a that just shocked him.

"Well the who forged such a thing is a Craftsman forger but I don't when we will see it "I thought because I never seen just a material before.but then I continued

"Anyway , I need another 1000 mana Stones as I used what I had on me "

"What ? Didn't you have a lot with you?"

"Yeah i got those designs too by buying them with the mana stones see if you can get an inspiration from them "

He looked at the design and got distracted while I slipped away quietly.

There's now many matters that I need to take but the meeting and auction is tomorrow. I don't know if I can get another treasure but I will try .

I went to Light City The Capital Of Glory Empire and went to the Royal Palace but I was stopped even with my title as the War God's Temple Envoy

" Lord Envoy, How may I help you "
Asked the captain of the guards stationed at the gate.

"Hello , I wonder if I can meet with the Emperor as I have something to discuss with him"

"I'm sorry sir but The emperor is currently busy "
He replied with a similar excuse

Mmm it seems that I don't have enough status.but the Purple Stigma just reacted which means the Spatial Emblem is truly here.

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