The After Life Part 1 - Alone (2/2)

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     It's been days now that I met Alex and that I learned more about myself. He was in this hell probably a little less than me as he survived with other people of our kind, 'humans', before they left him for being seen as only a burden. I gladly took him in my care as he was my age and felt amazing to have someone to finally be with someone that isn't trying to kill me every second.

     We haven't seen much monsters since then instead of a few giant insects and other minor ones, which I had to fight off. Alex was my age and had to the same goal as me, surviving and escaping no matter what. I tried to explain to him about my body being disoriented and having a mind of its own, thinking that maybe it's the same for him but he said that that has never happened to him before. Maybe it's nothing. Who knows, maybe it's just something mental.

     Alex was as tall as me but skinnier and pale,  he was kind hearted and kept his last group as safe as he could, but I guess they didn't see him as enough for that. He was a bit skeptical about me at first when we first talked, but saw the excitement and joy I had to have someone to call my friend, and we talk about things we'd do if we escape. We'd let lost in conversations about our time in this hell, once my nightmares of killing many creatures became cool, scary stories to him.

     "We should rest here, I'm very tired of walking all day." He say panting a bit from exhaustion, forgetting at times that he can't go on for as long as I can so I guess I just push him a bit. "Oh right, sure, this place seems safe enough." I sit down and lay on a tree while he sits next to me, letting him rest his head on my shoulder as I simply look up to the endless trees and small strands of sunlight thinking to myself. 'Is there even an escape from this hell? I mean, is it hell anymore now that I have company? We haven't seen a single big monster aside from big insects since that day. What is going on?'

     "Tony? We're you listening to me?" I snap back from my thoughts and look over at him, seeing him looking at me a little concerned. "Sorry, got lost thinking of something. What happened?" "He gives a small laugh at my face as I seem embarrassed for ignoring him. "I want to know how you were still alone even after being here for a long time. Did you just avoid people or did you just not see them?" It was an easy answer, I didn't see them. But then I thought of it more. What if my body just made me avoid them thinking it was monsters? What if I'm the reason I'm lonely. Boy, that's a sad thought to think of.

     "I don't know, never saw someone other than you but then again, maybe the weird thing in my body just kept me away from living things all together." "If that's the case, then how did it feel the need to save me?" I'm taken back from that, I never thought of that before but yea, this was the first time it reacted positively to something. "I don't know, guess it just knew you weren't a threat." "Wow, that's cold dude, I can fight. Remember that mantis we fought?" "Yea, the one you hit once and then ran to me screaming?" I laugh a bit as I see him blush from embarrassment, punching me in the stomach and making me cough. "What did you say? Couldn't hear you." We laugh together for a bit before deciding to continue our little adventure for freedom.

     I've been getting lost in my thought so much lately as I start to see fragments of what seems to be memories. I hate to believe it's that but they have been helpful with helping me remember things like words and what things I didn't know are. Like that bull is a 'zombie' and whole human thing. Maybe seeing someone like me sort of switched a light in my brain and make me remember things. I don't know, but I guess I appreciate it.

     I hear Alex stop in his tracks but I just keep my head down, still thinking for the things I now learned. I wonder how cake tastes like. "T-Tony... hey..." I turn around to see him, confused by his expression of shock. "What? What is i-." I then feel my body try to warn me but I was too late as I bump into a sharp object. "Ah, what the-." I look up and that's when I see what was so shocking, a huge mountain and the sky, the first time I've ever seen any of them. This mountains was huge, it surpassed even the trees. But I was fascinated more by seeing the sky, the big blue ceiling that seemed like it didn't exist now right under us.

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