School Of Poww - Chapter 7

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"Wait, so what is your Poww? How did you just appear out of nowhere? And that feeling, was that you? And, wh-." "I think you got a lot on your mind kid. Just calm down and I'll answer your questions."

We were walking back to our dorms as Master Tony walked with us. He was kind, even though he scared those kids away. Sal was still a bit scared from the interaction, hiding next to me as I was just filled with questions and administration to this guy. Sal always seemed tough and talked a lot of shit, but he had anxiety and honestly just scared of bullies. He was a good trash talker though.

I calmed myself down a bit as he just seemed to laugh at me. "Kids. Always full of questions. You know, I was just like you when I was young." I felt a since of pride as he said that. Thinking that a man this great see himself in me made me feel great in a way.

"And to answer your questions. Yes, that energy was me, I appeared because there was danger so I had to be there quick, and my poww? That's a secret and a promise that I won't tell you right now." He was smooth, just an interesting dude that just seemed like a celebrity that made things look easy. I was discussing to not get his poww but my face still like up. I was a fan of this guy, and that was the moment I wanted to learn my poww, train it to its fullest.

And possibly be his pupil.

We made it back to the big dorm-apartment complex as we stop, confused by why we stopped here. "What's wrong, sir?" Sal asked as he simply looked at a direction and smiled. "You know, I heard a bit about you two actually. From Chad and Sally." Sal seemed surprised, while I was just more enthusiastic. I pieced it together when we were walking. Chad asked about how his master was doing to Ms. Case, who said he was in a mission, and then when Sebastián asked about how Tony was doing, Chad said he was on a mission. Chad's Master had to be Tony.

"Well, it's time for me to go, need to get ready for the big day tomorrow, you boys stay out of trouble." We both bowed to show him our thanks as he gets ready to run away. "Oh, almost forgot about your hand, Cyno." I completely forgot that my hand was hurting, I think his energy was keeping my mind distracted this whole time. He walks up to me and grabs my hand.

"Here, this might hurt a little, but it'll heal you right up." He grabbed his thumb and jabbed it right in my knuckles.

Have you ever had someone force their way inside your bruises and cuts? Hopefully not because it hurts, especially when they keep it there for 4 seconds. I screamed at the pain as I saw my hero and the person who I was inspired by just did this horrific thing to me. Sal stared in total shock before walking up to him and push him away, getting his thumb out of me as Sal now seemed to be brave and protective of me as he made me hide behind him.

"Why did you do that!? What type of sadistic type of thing did you do to him!?" I grunted and complained about the pain until I felt it start to leave, looking back at my knuckles as they seem to completely heal up. Sal was still yelling at him, sensing Master Tony to have released that warm feeling again to calm us down.

He sees me amazed at my full recovery as he smiles and waves us goodbye. "See you kids around, don't feel bothered to reach me or Sally and Chad if you need anything." Before Sal can yell back at him, he disappeared in a blink of an eye, leaving us both speechless.

Sal turned around and started checking if I was okay. "Are you hurt? That piece of shi-." He saw my knuckles that were just jabbed into now looking fine, surprising him as he lost his words again.

"Guess he really just did heal me. In a pretty creepy way." "Why. Why is almost everyone here weird or creepy." I laughed at him a bit seeing his defeated face until he joined in shortly. He was right. This new place was different than anything we remember really.

But I don't think it can get any weirder in school.

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