The After Life Part 3 - Help (1/2)

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"Sally, you'll be in the back with the new kid, protect the little ones while me and Zack stay in the front." "You got it, I'll make sure they don't run off or get hurt." "Thanks, send the new kid over to me if need to tell me something." I give him a solute as he laughs, laughing with him before waving goodbye and talking my position with the little kids.

I was found my this group of kids not so long ago. It was smaller but I'm glad we're doing what we're doing. We find people who need the help and wander through this hell together for an exit.

In this group, the older kids take the role to protect the younger one. Dan, the oldest and kinda like the leader, is 19 and basically started this with his friend, Zack. Zack was 18 and him and Dan were here for what they said felt like months. After them were some small kids, ranging from 6 to 10 years, which is just terrible to think that these kids had to experience and go through this hell.

Then there was me. I'm Sally and 13, the forth oldest after John, I don't know him much but he's 16 and very soft and kind. He stays in the middle of the group to comfort and help carry kids. I'm the only girl in the big kids since we needed it after getting the group bigger. I don't mind at all though, I love helping people and I'm very great with everyone here, even the younger kids call me like a mother and it's so cute.

Then there's the new kid, he's only 11 so barely a big one, but he's mostly shy and agrees to Dan's orders. He's a pretty small but about my height, but something about him worries me a bit, like he's holding back tears when he sees the little kids laugh and play. I feel bad for him and tried to help him open up but he says he's fine and pushes it away. I try more during the few days we had him but learned that he's not going to change.

The group is split into 3 parts. In front is Dan and Zack. They mainly scout up in front or stays with the group to protect us from any potential dangers. They do their jobs great, Zack even being very strong while Dan is more smarter and plans things. Then the middle part, which is where the kids and John stay. John is like a shepherd in a way but they don't so much but travel with us as we keep them safe. It'll great to protect them and care for them. Lastly, the last group is the in the back, my group, which is me and the new kid. We're sort of like both groups, making sure the kids stay safe and stays in the group, while fighting any monsters that follow us. Well, I do at least, the new kid hasn't fought anything yet since we just found him. I know we know his name, but new kid is just a name we give to every new kid.

     We start wondering the forest, just another day we do. John taking care and singing with the children as Dan's gone ahead to scout while Zack stays to watch. I see a kid try to talk with the new kid but he ignores them and the kid gives up and come to me. "How are you doing, Sally?" I give them a smile as I pick them up and put them on my shoulders, hearing them laugh and giggle. "I'm doing great, how are the other treating you?" "Great! Just wanted to spend time with you because you seemed bored." He looks over to the new kid, looking with him as the new kid just looks down, holding his arm.

     I just feel bad for the kid, we found him like a week ago and he was thrilled to see us take him in, but after that we just seemed emotionless. "He's probably got a lot in his mind, we did just brought him in a few days ago." The child looks back down to me and gives me a smile, returning it as we continue to venture off into this hell of a forest.

     After a few hours of walking, the children started to get tired so we settle down to rest. Dan's been gone for a while now which worries me because he never stays away for more than 2 hours when he switches with Zack. Zack had to send the new kid to look for him. Well, he volunteered at first but then the new kid said that he will since Zack needs to stay and protect everyone else.

     So currently everyone is bit paranoid that something might have happened to Dan, which John and I try to comfort the kids and hum them little songs we made for them, while Zack stays on the trees on watch. We know that something is wrong, I can just feel it but what's more important is that the children stay safe and don't freak out.

     "John! Sally! New kid is back with Dan!" I look up to see Zack, pointing at a direction as I nod and send myself to go help them. I was happy and relieved that they survived and came back. I run to go retrieve them, but then I didn't expect their expressions.

     Dan had a huge smile of joy with tears in his eyes, and the new kid had a smile, the first time in a while. "Dan! You're safe, what happe-." "We found it! Sally, we found it!" I was now confused on what they can be so happy about, there's nothing in this hell to be this overly exciting about. "Found what?" The new kid start to talk now.

"We found the sky. And a mountain that can finally be the exit from here."

     They weren't kidding either. We all rushed to this 'exit', to find that they were telling the truth. The bright blue sky with a massive mountain. We were just flabbergasted and thinking that we must be hallucinating, but no, those rocks were real. The kids were just screaming in joy while John tried to control them but he was just too happy to keep his composure as we had tears too. I was just surprised, my mind racing at the fact that this can be our freedom. "We're climbing it this instant." Zack looked at Dan like if we was stupid. "No we're not, what type of idea is that, Dan!"

     Dan and Zack started arguing with each other, deciding whether we should trust this or not. Zack was the only one opposing the idea of climbing but ultimately sides with us as he saw the children happy. We go back into our groups and start climbing the side of the mountain. Each one of the big kids were holding the youngest kids in our shoulders to help them. Since Zack was more faster than us, he would take turns helping the others to climb up. Good things they're ledges on this mountain to rest in.

     We decided to rest after climbing for a few hours. The kids were winded while John, Zack and Dan were just out of breathe. I wasn't even a bit affected honestly, I don't know why but I can last longer than even the boys at like anything. We don't know the reason for it, but it doesn't really matter. The new kid had gone down to retrieve the last kid while we waited. Even while pushing us away at times, he's very nice and volunteers to do things so that we can rest or go along. Honestly, I sort of find him cute in a way, like a soft gentleman.

     But then the somewhat fun of escaping here was cut short as I feel this aura of black clouds overwhelming me. "D-do you guys feel that..." John looks at me confused, while I look panicked. "Feel what-." I jump up and run to the ledge to check what that can be and to see where the new kid is with the last child, and that's when I see it. Him climbing as fast as he can with the child, and the biggest and mortifying bird I've even seen.

     "Sally! Help!" The both of them scream as Zack, Dan and John run next to me. Now they feel the danger. Before even thinking, I start climbing down to retrieve them. "Sally, no!" I hear Dan scream out but I ignore him, getting down to them quickly. "I'm on my way! Just keep climbing!" That's when that bird started to talk.

     "Just hold on and keep climbing! We need to go!" It said it in a voice, a human voice as I feel my stomach turn in disgust. It wasn't moving for some reason, but it's look did make me scared of it. I finally reach them, trying to grab the new kid but he makes me grab the child from him. "We need to go now! We-." Then the bird started to run up the mountain in incredible speed. I froze, we're going to die... all this time running, surviving, helping these children wouldn't have mattered now. Zack was correct, it was too good to be true, we doomed us all.

     That's when I feel the child rise off of me and a hand on my wrist, it was pulling me. "Sally, come on! Move!" It was Dan's voice, but I just stared at the new kids face. 'Why did he have a smile?'

     "Thank you Sally for the hospitality, I'm sure you'll help lots of people in the new world." "What are you-." That's when I see him jump off, free falling straight down into the bird. My heart just stopped, feeling Dan still pulling me up against my will as we ascended up the mountain, while the new kid did the opposite. I finally let out a cry for him.



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